Subject: "I'll take you up on that."
Posted on: 2017-10-23 11:49:46 UTC

Theo said as he walked up to Thoth, giving the Space Marine a once over. "I could have sworn that that's the colour of a Space Wolf though. Kudos to you for giving it a go."

For his part Theo was dressed up in black trouser, with a red t-shirt that was covered by a black coat with red lining inside, black and red gloves covered both of his hands while an ornate white and red mask covered his eyes. "Although I warn you, this stupid mask gives me less than ideal vision."

"You're one to talk about less than ideal vision" Cinnabar said as she pushed through to where her partner was standing, she was wearing ornate red, black and gold robes with a heavy golden helmet on her head, rather thin eye-slots the only opening in it, meaning she had to remove it every time she wanted to eat or drink. "I still don't know how you convinced me to wear all of this."

((Thoth's... predicament made me laugh a lot, so that kudos is genuine. Theo is meant to be: Cinnabar is meant to be: I just had to pick really hard to describe costumes didn't I?))

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