Subject: Kyoki turned around...
Posted on: 2010-09-01 02:05:00 UTC
and asked, "Do you want to help me blow up spam bots and set up a surveillance system at the same time?"
Subject: Kyoki turned around...
Posted on: 2010-09-01 02:05:00 UTC
and asked, "Do you want to help me blow up spam bots and set up a surveillance system at the same time?"
Lleu opens his eyes and finds himself in a completely different place What is this?
There are people around. Maybe some of them know what's going on. He attempts to get the attention of the nearest person.
"Um, excuse me I think I was...asleep? Where are we?"
Pretzel looked up from her computer, glad that she'd thought to bring several extra batteries with her, just in case.
'We're in the Board Bunker. It's because the normal Board's under attack by Trolls and Ypurs. Apparently this is a normal situation for this time of year.' she replied, giving Lleu a wan smile. 'It's the first time it's happened to me, so I can't really speak from experience as to how long it'll last.'
"I...see." Lleu considers this news for a moment. "So we just kind of sit here and wait for the attack to be dealt with?"
with her typical over packing, over planning fashion she had a well stocked supply of food, medical supplies, cooking supplies, clothes, and other minor necessaries. She sets up her inflatable mattress, arranges her stuff, then sets up the camp cooking equipment, and starts a cauldron of soup to feed the refugees.
and asked, "Do you want to help me blow up spam bots and set up a surveillance system at the same time?"
Elemarth asked. "Well, I've never done either thing before but..." She grinned. "That sounds good to me!"
Elemarth stared at the pile of stuff. "Okay. Those are cameras, those are explosives. And a huge pole." She wasn't sure she could carry this very far, but she didn't say so. Anything for the board, and especially to kill spambots. "No, I don't have a sonic screwdriver. Do I need one?"
That was strange, but I'm glad things worked out alright. And I quite understand your resentment considering I've had my own share of cooking related evacuations at my dorm. -.-
Perhaps investing in an online backup service for you laptop will make you feel better if something similar ever happens? My nervous habit is to pat myself down for my phone, and then to clutch for my laptop... ^^,
"Hey there," she said, on seeing one of the others approach. "You just made it out of there too?"
"Yup," she said. "Close call. Made it out of the house just in time. So, you okay?"
Sergio Turbo entered the bunker and slammed shut the door.
"I made it." he said.
He put his right hand on a cut on his left arm, and leaned to a pillar.
"What the hell is happening? There are bots everywhere. I had the time to pack only a few things, they nearly got me."
SttQ rummaged through her tote bag. Somewhere in there she had to have... Ah, bingo!
She took out a thermos full of gazpacho and a clean handkerchief, and quickly handed them over to PitViper. "Here ya go. It's not exactly ice, but it's pretty cold."
Zipping up her bag, she ran over to the soapbox and started scrambling for a piece of chalk.
SttQ decided no piece of chalk was worth this. She picked herself up and worked her way out of the small-scale melee that had broken out near the soapbox. She headed over for one of the pillars and sat down against it. Digging in her bag, she discovered her copy of 'Moby Dick' and opened it at the bookmark. This invasion could take a while, so she might as well get comfortable.
Galenfea looked round as she heard someone else arriving at the first aid area and smiled a welcome at PitViper, who was still holding the ice pack to a rather impressive bruise on her head.
"Hello," said Galenfea. "How are you feeling now?"
"How much time do you think you'll need to get to your house and back?"
...Apologies to anybody reading that...
"Beats me," she replied. "All I know is that there's some kind of invasion going on." She turned back to Cassie. "Do you know anything more?"
replied Kyoki. "Which way to the nearest large group of things to be blown up? And would you like some explosives? I happen to have quite a lot of C4, pipe bombs, and other forms of explosives."
" Oh..." Niely said. "And I'm fine" she said, eyeing the C4 while lifting up her shotgun. "Wanna stick together though? 'Ya know, safety in numbers."
Niely started to pack up her shotgun ammo when she paused, looking at Kyoki, she asked nervously " Actually...Can I have a pipe bomb?"
"Sticking together sounds like a great idea. And take your pick!" said Kyoki as she opened her bag of explosives. "Red colored ones have 5 second fuses, yellow ones are proximity triggered, and brown ones are 15 seconds. There's other kinds too, but those three are probably the most common."
Kyoki looks up to a nearby roof and then asks, "Would you mind waiting a bit for Elemarth? She's helping me stick up cameras and blow things up, and she needs a few moments to get down. D'you want to help stick up cameras too?"
" I'll Take a red one. And I'd love to help stick up cameras." said Niely. She picked up her shotgun and took a pipe bomb from Kyoki's bag. Turning around to Kyoki, she asked " Hey, what's your name? Mine's Niely"
Silikat looked up at Kyoki from her laptop. She had heard talk of blowing things up. That, she approved of.
"I'm bored." she explained, grinning hopefully.
"Hey, I knew this thing would come in handy for something other than DVDs." Silikat grins, peering inside the bag of explosives. "This is gonna be fun..."
"I have a Wi-fi device, maybe you could set the cameras up to it? I'm no techno wiz but it can't be too hard." Niely said, pulling a DS gameboy out of her bag.
" And if the spambots get to close I'll shoot them." She said with a gleam in her eye. " I wont be running out of ammo any time soon, I've been stockpiling for awhile."
Niely said. She began to scan for a network with her DS. "Now that I'm connected I can look at the cameras any time as long as I'm in range of the signal.
Finding the source is a good idea, but I've heard rumors that it isn't even in the city. The source is probably far away, but when we find it, I hope you set up an explosion the size of Alaska!" she said, matching Kyoki's smile.
Kyoki returned (after a therapeutic round of Explode the Spambot) in time to catch the tail end of Niely's decision. Searching around, she found an extend-able ladder and followed Niely up the stairs.
"It's a heard of Ypurs!" Niely shouted, pointing at a large mass of blue yaks. "Lets try and ride them!"
"That sounds like it'll be tons of fun! But, how are we gonna get on?" said a puzzled Kyoki.
We could jump from hire ground onto them?" Niely suggested
I'll go with Silikat, then?