Subject: Lard's Mailbox
Posted on: 2018-07-10 02:27:53 UTC
Ayy ya bois in the Janitorial Division's Shift Twentieth are all up for mail for whatever despicable secrets you want them to spill.
S86FNC-11630, A.K.A. Finch. Sapient vending machine trapped in a perpetual cycle of fury and paranoia, angry at things he is afraid of, which is practically everything.
Bernhard Bingard Bingle. Dead wizard held together with obscure magic, all that genius of his gummed up with a centuries' worth of senility and forgetfulness.
Anne. Ineffably stoic and one of the craziest people in the JD, purely because she has remained so totally sane in her time there.
Weed Ninety-Two, A.K.A. Ninetwo. Bureacratic rules lawyer who has memorised every single employee rule and guidebook and will be sure to quote them at you when she can.
Anne's Cat. Scientifically enhanced cat who is smart enough to have developed complete, well thought-out misanthropy but who cannot write letters back or talk. Anne will write back for her, I guess.