With a huge list of things to do with my writing once I've unpacked and such ... we need to work on a plan for the OFUR's next few installments, and Kit wants me to help with the Naruto furries mission, and I think Pads said she'd help me with that short Harry Potter one which mutilates Nine Inch Nails? ...
But that can wait. Right now I'm just going to quietly collapse and cuddle my ferrets because I missed them.
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And I'm back! by
on 2008-08-30 19:20:00 UTC
never been able to work that out by
on 2008-08-30 18:55:00 UTC
The other very important box is the one that says "tick this so we can share your details with the uni so they can give you a bursary". Except apparently they're changing it this year to "don't tick this box so we can share your details". Just to confuse people.
As in, leave a comment on your LJ on something unrelated? by
on 2008-08-30 16:01:00 UTC
Because if I read correctly, LJ-Talk involves extra software I don't have.
I know how to deal with obnoxious children by
on 2008-08-30 12:06:00 UTC
My brain's fuzzy of late so I can't think up a good enough way to slap her down, unfortunately. Any suggestions?
Nope, not just you by
on 2008-08-30 09:59:00 UTC
That is definitely patronising to the nth degree.
I have this thing about my email address... by
on 2008-08-30 09:56:00 UTC
...but my LJ name is of course lady_rilwen, and if you sent me the details I could take a crack at it. I'm...not the best artist, but I could try. Or you can save me for a back-up plan, which is a better idea, in case you can't find anyone better.
you think they're bad... by
on 2008-08-30 03:46:00 UTC
...Just wait until you start dealing with the SLC. My favourite part of their forms is the bit that says "tick this box if you want to apply for all the money you're entitled to".
Fufufu... (nm) by
on 2008-08-30 03:27:00 UTC
If I can ever figure out UCAS by
on 2008-08-30 00:26:00 UTC
I'll stand a chance. I'm probably going to end up calling the college on Monday and asking if I can go down and get a tutor's help because UCAS is driving me up the wall.
Just about. How about we send her (?) a real Nuzgul? by
on 2008-08-29 23:59:00 UTC
I belive I am... *plotplot evil laugh* (nm) by
on 2008-08-29 23:34:00 UTC
I haven't replied yet by
on 2008-08-29 22:33:00 UTC
You'll get in. I remember that stress and I'm so glad it's over.
The flair is just a tongue-in-cheek joke because PJ's Nazgul and the Dementors look so much alike.
*snort* by
on 2008-08-29 21:31:00 UTC
Logically, it means you are a keeper of history, as Wikipedia defines annal as 'Annals (Latin Annales, from annus, a year) are a concise form of historical writing which record events chronologically, year by year.'
Is it just me, or is the usage of the word 'Darling' in this context the most condescending thing EVER?
Got it! (nm) by
on 2008-08-29 21:29:00 UTC
Geez by
on 2008-08-29 20:09:00 UTC
I hope that college doesn't sap my brain like that
if I get in that is.
Did you also point out to her that, despite physical similarities and abilities, Nazgul and Dementors are not the same thing. And that it was Tolkien, not PJ, that created the Nazgul.
Of course, this is sounding very 'Annal Retentive', isn't it?
This is several missions down the road by
on 2008-08-29 19:23:00 UTC
but I plan to have Dustin and the Gary Stu in an aerial duel at the end of A DIOM Fanfic. Thing is, I'm not sure how to pull it off.
Nazgul vs. Nuzgul by
on 2008-08-29 19:15:00 UTC
I saw a piece of flair on Facebook last night that reads 'Does Peter Jackson know the Nuzgul are chasing Harry Potter?', so I sent a message to the creator saying it's nAzgul, not nUzgul. The following was her reply:
"Darling can you say Annal Retentive"
Why, yes I can, but I don't know what 'annal retentive' is. I also wasn't aware that it was anal (one 'n', darling) to spell correctly. BTW, according to her profile, she graduated from college this year. I weep for the attitudes graduates have today.
I tendto stay away from the LotR section by
on 2008-08-29 14:01:00 UTC
I've only read the Legendary Goodfic for it, since I have no desire to see page upon page of Tenth Walker/Modern girl in ME/princess of a non-canon land/non-canonical sister/offspring fics.
What about LOTR goodfic? (nm) by
on 2008-08-29 09:01:00 UTC
...Ever any doubt. This is what happens when I type quickly. (nm by
on 2008-08-29 03:57:00 UTC
Was there any ever doubt? (nm) by
on 2008-08-29 03:57:00 UTC
...Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Cassie Cameron-Young? (nm by
on 2008-08-29 02:34:00 UTC
Hehehe by
on 2008-08-29 02:30:00 UTC
If you want to trick them into reading goodfic, assuming that the Legendary Goodfic are already known and feared by them, I can recommend a few for you. One's a Naruto/Gundam Wing crossover, another's a Naruto/Harry Potter and a third is a Harry Potter/Gundam Wing crossover. No one expects crossovers to be good, which is what would lull them into a false sense of security perhaps.