Subject: "Don't know, they've been hiding under the sofa."
Posted on: 2011-07-31 13:34:00 UTC

Foxglove pointed back into the RC. "Marile seems to have escaped. She's been in her tank all day, whatever this is must be spread by touch, or maybe airborne. Wait, on second thoughts ..." Foxglove went back into the room and peered into the tank. "Hang on, there's a bit. She sort of has a blue rash - I didn't notice it before because she's patchy-coloured anyway."

The Mini-Deepcoiler hissed indignantly and waved her fins.

Re-entering the corridor, Foxglove stumbled over Laburnum, who was still lying flat on the floor. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm making dust angels!" Laburnum declared gleefully.

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