Subject: *Whump*
Posted on: 2011-07-29 02:32:00 UTC

That was the sound of six feet of seemingly antique hardwood whacking into the skull of the Cute Animal Friend, sub-definition Vulpes Vulpes. As the pounce crumpled and the fox whammed into the floor, he could hear someone say. "Are foxes supposed to sparkle like that?"

It was a woman's voice... but why did the matching face, gracile as it was, have a beard (cut unevenly to about half a foot in length)? Then larger problems came into play as the giant chicken set down one scaly foot on the foxes back, preventing it from getting up. "Normally, I wouldn't react this generously to someone who tried to pounce on me, but given all the weirdness going on, we need all the answers we can."

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