Subject: (Wish me Luck)
Posted on: 2011-07-28 06:42:00 UTC

(ooc: wherein my new agent meets my boarder persona)

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Portia McSweeney went over some important new facts.

She had a beard.

Great. Just great.

She usually had enough trouble keeping herself all lined up on a normal day. She was in FicPsych once a week to try to tease out memories of where she'd come from before being found in the cafeteria; so far, the only triggers they'd found were the battle scenes from "The Last Samurai" and the better and/or rantier Harry/Hermione shipping fics from the Harry Potter fandom. Add to that the fact that she could barely hold a projectile weapon without blowing her own rear end off and Intelligence was the only place she could fit in at the moment when what she really wanted to do was to blast, slice, impale and generally murder some Mary Sues.

But now she was a wizard. With a pointy hat. And a beard you could hide a chicken in. And a staff.

Perhaps this was the wrath of Rowling upon her: she'd only skimmed the plot of the last two Potter books loosely, she subscribed to fringe conspiracy literature (that purported that Epilogue!Harry had 5 kids by 2 different women)and fanfic was her pretty much her last remaining link to that world.

Then again, perhaps this was the fault of someone within the PPC, in which case she would pry the truth out eventually, preferably slowly and with great pain.

Perhaps... perhaps she should venture out and see what was happening. It couldn't be any worse than in here.

And if anyone laughed... well, maybe the big stick would come in handy.

(My first RP participation in the whole of ever. Exhilarating)

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