Subject: Now very worried and prone to bolt.
Posted on: 2010-10-11 00:03:00 UTC

At first, Lowtide seemed to calm down a bit. That van wasn't about to suddenly blow up and kill them all, and that fact was doing small wonders for her nerves. She had even gone as far as to release a small sigh of relief, which the Ironic Overpower quickly punished her for when SttQ told her and everyone else there what they'd be doing tonight. "Wait, Sues and Stu's, here? But... Isn't that someone else's job to take care of? There's gotta be, like, evil horny fox girls and people that can kill me with just their brains and-" She cut off her tirade in mid-sentence, seemingly for little to no reason at all. But there was a reason for it, oh yes there was. It involved a Harry Potter impersonator she had heard about recently, some sick monster who had a very scary and implausible weapon attached to his-

"Ohmigod we're all going to get killed by a crazy kid with a chainsaw for a groin, aren't we?! I don't wanna die, I don't wannadie Idontwannadie!" She was quite visibly shaking at this point, seeing as her imagination was now supplying her with some vivid images that belonged in a Silent Hill game. Her left hand was clutching the hilt of her Zanpakutō while her right was shakily fishing something out of her pocket. It looked like she was about to have an absolute fit at this point, but somehow she managed to fish out a pair of small medicine bottles, unscrew the cap with her other hand, and quickly down a pill, followed by another pill from the second bottle. Then, a few deep breaths later, she spoke back up again. "Um, s-sorry about that, I-I'll probably be fine in a minute or two. C-can you go over the plan?" She was already starting to twitch less already.

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