Subject: "Hey there!"
Posted on: 2010-10-11 11:08:00 UTC

, A voice said to the group, "What am I missing?"
The voice belonged to a girl, who had just noticed them. The girl had blue eyes and long, red hair that was tied into a ponytail by her pink ribbon. She worn a plain yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. She also had circular glasses on, as she couldn't read very well without them.
She straighted her pointy blue hat as she thought about what she should do next. As she did this, she made sure that her sapphire was within the red backpack that she had on. She sighs in relief when she realizes that it's still there, then speaks out once again to SttQ and the others,
"The 9th Blue Mage is finally here, at your service!"

((OOC: If I'm doing anything wrong, you just let me know. I'm trying my best at writing as I possibly can.))

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