Subject: SttQ's Building, Part Two
Posted on: 2010-11-08 18:07:00 UTC

After two minutes or so, SttQ became aware of a strange sound, right at the edge of hearing. She raised her head. Hmmm, that was weird. A curious rhythmic droning noise.

She laid her ear against one of the as yet unstuffed cracks. Yup. A kind of low chanting, almost religious. To SttQ's frustration, it was impossible to make out the words. Perhaps it was just as well. She really didn't want to know what manner of creature those demons would worship. Nope. Definitely not. Not her.

She peeped through the crack at the brightly-lit room beyond. The next moment saw her huddled in a heap on the cobblestones, shaking so badly she was almost convulsing. She ripped off her sunglasses and pressed the balls of her hands hard against her eyes.

My eyes... Oh Eru, my eyes! Gah, it's like someone squirted Mace on 'em, I can't see! Curse your impossible, sight-scorching beauty, Lt. Mary Sue! Curse it, I say!

As her trembling grew less, a horrible realization crept up on her. How in the world was she going to finish this building if she couldn't even see it?

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