Subject: Today is Agent South's birthday!!!
Posted on: 2009-05-28 16:21:00 UTC
He just turned 82. Party?
The Infernal Trio is waiting for you in their RC! (RC#20736 fot those who don't already know)
Subject: Today is Agent South's birthday!!!
Posted on: 2009-05-28 16:21:00 UTC
He just turned 82. Party?
The Infernal Trio is waiting for you in their RC! (RC#20736 fot those who don't already know)
Let the party never end.
"It's my birthday now!!!"
The Trio brought more supplies to the people already there and the wars started again. Krisprolls was excited and ran all over the place.
and my agents are bored; Party Time!
"Drat! Where is that party supposed to be again?" Eesa struggled to hold on to about five bags of party supplies and a generous jug of bleepka as she trotted beside her partner down a hallway. Sive, who held nothing except a bag of popcorn, merely rolled her eyes.
"Response Center 20736. It says it here on the paper."
"Well, where is that? Our Response Center is nowhere near, surely."
One of the bags slipped from Eesa's grasp and spilled its contents all over the floor. Sive sighed and bent down to gather up the dumped items, mainly Silly String and confetti.
Well find it eventually.
Eventually, as it turned out, happened to be two hours later. After lugging around the party stuff for this amount of time, Eesa felt like her arms were going to drop off. Luckily, this room couldnt be mistaken for any others. The sign on it clearly read: RC #20736.
Uh Could you knock on the door, Sive? My arms are kinda full.
Her partner took one look at the overburdened teenager and rapped on the door twice.
Why did you bring so much stuff? I just brought popcorn. Sive asked, rattling the bag she held slightly.
Cause I wanted to and thats why. Eesa retorted.
"Welcome," he said. "You're the first ones. Thanks for the... uh... what the hell, how many people dit you tell, a thousand billion? No, just kidding. Put all this here."
"That ain't goin' to be no big party, I think. I must be cursed."
"Holy shit, I'll have to make a better advertisement for mine in three weeks if I want to have more than two people. I am the cursed guy here. Oh wait... now I know why there's nobody at this party, South. I'm here."
"Krisprolls, stop that. Now."
The Trio opened the supplies and started to help themselves along with the other two Agents.
"Hope somebody else is coming, or I'm going to show a U2 live DVD. Kidding," said What.
and tossed one to Sive.
"You're not cursed," the younger agent told South flatly, "But you could start a Silly String war to make up for the lack of party-goers."
"The junk food will help, too." added Sive. She then pulled the cap off her can, shook it up, and sprayed a generous amount all over Eesa's hair.
Ah, the wonders that could happen with Silly String and an agent rather protective of her hair. Fun.
Krisp started to soak everyone, including What' and South'.
"And I thought Krisp was cursed..." said What. "Are we all, or what?"
"Think so," said South.
Which didn't prevent them to participate and to soak Krisp as well.
"Now you're cursed."
Sive's blonde hair looked like a neon green string-monster was smeared on top of it, and her back was positively covered with much of the same goop. Her partner, with all of the many colors of string flying through the air, now could pass as a walking rainbow.
"My Silly String will defeat all of yours!" Eesa yelled as she sprayed wildly in every direction.
"No it won't," countered Sive as she shook up another can, "Mine has the supreme power of... Party Madness!"
Party Madness indeed.
The Infernal Trio was busy drinking Bleepka (or Bleepodwine for Krisprolls), eating all the stuff and participating to the Silly String battle, rather randomly it would seem.
And U2 was playing at full volume on the speakers.
"D'you think someone could tell DoSAT that no one needs their dial to have an eleven?" she asked Leas.
Leas, who was carrying a tray of fairy bread (covered by a layer of clingwrap), gave her a puzzled look. "WHAT?" he yelled.
"Never mind," Deryn muttered, and balanced her box of muffins on one hip so she could knock at the door. "HEY! VISITORS WITH FOOD!"
"South, I think we're not so cursed after all!"
"Yeah, right, hope you ain't gonna take all the food this time, it's MY party, remember"
"Oh really?"
"Stop that, guys," said What'.
The Trio welcomed the newcomers and stole all the food... NOT. Just 90%.
The short break lasted a grand total of ten seconds.
"New people!" yelled Sive, before she launched another attack of string on her partner.
Eesa grabbed another can, though by now she had noticed that the RC floor was looking rather littered.
"Purple Silly String!"
and started to soak everyone, Infernal Trio and newcomers included. The Trio shortly followed.
"YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled South.
"Are you trying to break my record or what?" said Krisp.
"Oh, jerk off, Krisp."
She did end up rather covered in Silly String as a result, though, and shook herself, reaching up to pull some of it off. "Say, what do we do when those run out?" she asked.
"Clean off?" Leas suggested, now wearing several colours of Silly String and blinking rather owlishly.
"South, here's your share." Krisp handed him five or six muffins.
"No, thanks, I'm already full and I don't want to start a vomit fight."
"'kay, thanks." Krisp ate the muffins except the last one, that What' snatched.
"Hey, what the heck!"
The Trio resumed the Silly String fight.
Wow, this is Party Madness. I can't even type a correct sentence.