Subject: (( More little ones coming, I hope! ))
Posted on: 2011-02-06 02:22:00 UTC

Jenni put Henry back down in the pen, where he contentedly toddled off to shove an inflatable ball around and chase it when it got away from him with the occasional shout of "Ball!" His mother rejoined the adults.

Ilraen gazed at Agents Mal with rapt curiosity. <Hello, Kaliel. I am Ilraen-Aroline-Fothergill, but you may call me Ilraen. I do not wish to be rude, but may I ask how you do that with your voice? I have never heard anything quite like that before.> He spared a stalk eye to return William's look, while the other one kept tabs on everyone else.

Meanwhile, Derik turned his attention to William, since it seemed likely he wouldn't get a chance to speak to Kaliel (or Maeryn) for a little while, at least. At least William was someone closer to his own age. He didn't know precisely what that was, but definitely in spitting distance of forty, one way or another. "Hi," he said with his damaged smile, offering a hand to shake. "Agent Derik, DMS. You're a friend of Jenni's?"

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