Subject: Re: Apples and celery.
Posted on: 2011-02-09 01:34:00 UTC

Artemis had overbalanced and fallen on top of Helen, his surprised hiss growing louder. Beneath him, the girl burst into tears, her high-pitched wail grating in his ears.

The little half-demon struggled up, disentangling his wings from the crying toddler. He didn't blink very often, but he did so now, in mild bewilderment at the situation. Usually, when he was the cause of others' distress, it was intentional. Now, however, he'd caused another child to cry completely by accident. He hadn't known he could do that.

A noise from Henry made him glance over, and he let out a high-pitched noise of protest. He couldn't recall giving the other toddler leave to use his apple.


Kieran snickered at the dismayed six-year-olds when, suddenly, Helen started crying and Artemis shrieked shortly afterward.

"Great seasons," the fox muttered. "Did somebeast take away Artie's apple again?

Kestrel sighed. "I'll go an' make sure none o' the young'uns gets bit."

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