Subject: Apples and celery.
Posted on: 2011-02-08 18:24:00 UTC

Henry reached the stuffed apple unimpeded, thanks to the other two being occupied with each other. It was soggier than he had expected it to be, but that didn't stop it from going straight into his mouth. On the whole, more like his fire-lizard toy than a ball, he decided.

Derik looked at the floor for a moment to cover the intense surge of anger that accompanied any thoughts of what he had to say about his fic of origin, though he couldn't stop his fists from clenching. By the time he looked up again, the fit had passed and he was smiling again.

"Well, I don't have to talk about that to tell you about Pern," he said. "Technically it's a colony of Earth, in the far future, but by the time I come from, it had been presumed a failure and forgotten about for hundreds of... we call them Turns, not years," he explained his hesitation. "It's hard to break the habit." He went on to explain about Thread, which ravaged the planet every 200, sometimes 400 years, and how the early settlers genetically engineered dragons from the indigenous fire-lizards to keep it from devouring all the organic life.

"There's quite a bit of history since then, not all of it pleasant, but essentially the Weyrs, where the dragons and riders live, protect the Holds and Halls from Thread in exchange for the goods and services we can't provide for ourselves--you can't farm in a burnt-out volcano cone, for instance, even if we had the time to spare for it during a Pass." He shook his head. Perhaps conspicuously, he did not mention having been a rider, although his perspective was obvious.

<My home continuum is Animorphs,> Ilraen answered Hannah. <It is a science fiction series in which six youths use a special morphing ability to fight a guerrilla war against the invading Yeerk Empire. My people would have helped if they had known, but they were quite busy fighting the Yeerks elsewhere, and too far away to come immediately,> he added loyally.

Naturally, Jenni reached the food table just in time for newcomers to walk through the door. She did spot them on a routine glance at the playpen, though, and happily waved them over before turning back.

"How is everyone over here? Finding everything all right?" she addressed the lot. "Who's hiding under there?" Seeing Cara bent over, she knelt down herself to take a look. "Bit dark and cramped under there for two big boys like you, don't you think?" she addressed the boys, backing Cara up with a raised eyebrow.

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