Subject: *snortgiggle*
Posted on: 2008-08-21 21:39:00 UTC

Nooooo! Trojie, save me from the plotbunny!

And Princess Sparklymuffinpoo kissed Legols and tehy flew into the sundset 2 live happilty evah aftah!!1
J.R.R Tolkien: faints Glad that's over...
C.S Lewis: pats back Don't worry, ol' buddy.
J.K Rowling: sickingly sweet smile Clive, your turn.
C.S Lewis: blink Come again, Joanne?
J.K Rowling: We've read "Princess of SilverFairyWood" for John's world and "My Immortal" for mine.'s time for "kaspyun and petar luv storie". sniggers, then looks sympathetic It's not in our power to stop these people from coming around and mucking in our worlds.
C.S Lewis: sigh You are correct, madam. braces for self
kaspyun and petar luv storie
C.S Lewis: This is going to be bad, isn't it?
J.R.R Tolkien: has recovered Indeed, my friend, it will be.

Hahaha...just a little drabble...not so bad after all...

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