Subject: SttQ gave Blue Mage
Posted on: 2010-10-11 20:37:00 UTC

a friendly nod, took a deep breath, and addressed her little band of fighters.

"All right, everyone, here's the plan. We take as much C4 and wire as we can carry without slowing ourselves down. The big coil of wire is actually made up of several rolls stacked on top of each other. We each take one of those with us, plus a wire cutter. There's a big box full of detonators on the passenger seat; we'll take some of those too. I'll lead you through the gate and to the old fish packing plant, which consists of several buildings. Once there, we spread out, stuff C4 in any crack we can find (remember, it kneads like clay) and connect the charges. When you've finished with the last charge, put in one end of the wire you have left, and unroll it behind you as you come back here. We'll connect the wires to this little reception device," she took it out of her pocket, "and clear the area. We then retreat to the hills on the edge of town, pick out a comfortable spot and," she gave an unpleasant grin, "enjoy the lightshow. Now then," growing serious again, "keep in mind that there will very likely be bit characters and Cute Animal Friends patrolling the area. Take them out as quickly and silently as you can, preferably from behind. Do not use fire-arms unless it's absolutely necessary. The last thing we want is bringing a murder of Sues down on our heads. Everything clear? Good. Now for your individual orders."

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