Subject: SttQ's building
Posted on: 2010-10-29 23:20:00 UTC

((OOC: caution, violence.))

Edging cautiously around a corner of the irregular building to begin her work, SttQ spotted her first guard, a male bit character. He lacked any and all defining characteristics, as bits have a tendency to do, and most closely resembled a cheap, generic action figure, complete with a heavy machine gun in his hands; it was attached to a strap around his shoulder. He was (thankfully) facing away from her, but she couldn't possibly do anything while he was around. Only one solution.

Fishing a piece of cloth from one pocket and one of her razors from another, she crept toward her victim. When she was right behind him, she stuffed the piece of cloth against his mouth to deafen his screams (not that he'd have much time to scream), and used the razor to cut his throat in three quick strokes. He was dead before he hit the ground. Dragging the body into a dark recess, SttQ wiped her razor on one of its sleeves. The last thing she wanted was glitter stains on her weapons, whether said glitter was heavily water-diluted or not. As for the gun, she had no use for that. Far too noisy.

Satisfied, and not hearing anything else for the moment, she left the recess, knelt down and began her task.

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