Subject: You make good points
Posted on: 2008-08-25 00:44:00 UTC

I know you're never going to stop everyone from writing fic you don't like, or fic in general. Case in point: there are sites full of NC-17 HP fics and Jo's made it clear she doesn't want NC-17 fics written with her characters. I just don't want it showing up on and other sites that get a lot of traffic.

At this point in my writing, all the characters have settled any questions they might've had about their sexuality. Bri's a moderately conservative Christian so he'd never act on any homosexual urges and Kyle wouldn't because...he just wouldn't. There's a reason but it's complicated and involves issues and baggage from his childhood that he refuses to deal with. He still wouldn't even if he got therapy but at least he'd be able to explain why in twenty words or less. ;) The only subtext I've tried to lay for them is one of friendship and mutual respect, both personally and professionally.

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