Subject: Soul gets reincarnated into a new body...
Posted on: 2008-09-18 13:31:00 UTC

While you are too narrow-minded! The Codex Fanficrants says that any,
fanfic idea, no matter how squicky, stupid, or crazy(like this one) can be done well by a competent enough author(like i estimate this one to be). And Codex TvTropes(link here:, though not infalliable; gives it's sanction to it. By these holy words, respected by all who live here, I ask permisson to bend the rules preventing DaemonPossessed!Pokemon and OhSoHolyandSexy!Grammar Saints from cooperating in attempts to punish thee. Recives Permission

PS: Besises, It's not a crossover.

ANOTHER PS: Florida? no, not near enough to my time zone at all. It's 8: 31 pm here.

YET ANOTHER PS: Only one being can say that Khanon is a False God, and it is not you! And he's still not answering to any of our calls just now.

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