Subject: Re: Oh, yes you did. *sigh*
Posted on: 2008-09-18 01:28:00 UTC

The male of the two Agents I'm considering, tentatively named Nathanos, may be something of an exception-he's definitely well built, but he also has bionic augmentation due to injuries sustained before being referred to the Ordo Hydra, also known tentatively as the Warhammer 40,000 division (So named because for every head of the Ordo's target you destroy, three more arise). Probably at least an obvious bionic hand-maybe a full arm.

Current standard armament for him is a plasma pistol and a daemonhammer (extra-large hammer, blessed for the purpose of destroying daemons, which I believe Sues count as). However, given the scope of 40k, and thus 40k badfic, destruction of the non-canon elements may require additional firepower, which is why I'm considering leasing a Blackstone Fortress from Abaddon the Despoiler for planet-killing purposes. 40k won't miss a random planet. Or even a lot of random planets.

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