Subject: Xiv'riit stamped its foot on the longsword.
Posted on: 2016-11-30 21:58:27 UTC
Muttering softly, Xiv'riit attempted to heal itself. "Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao," it muttered, wishing for some mung beans.
Subject: Xiv'riit stamped its foot on the longsword.
Posted on: 2016-11-30 21:58:27 UTC
Muttering softly, Xiv'riit attempted to heal itself. "Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao," it muttered, wishing for some mung beans.
Hello and welcome to the RP. Below you'll find various posts each containing different bits of the RP, for example the Class and Race lists, the Dice mechanics etc. as well as a General/Q&A post and an example post. Yes this is filler to hold it all together, no I don't care if this isn't how things are normally done.
So once again welcome to the RP. Be inquisitive, be proper and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
Storme Hawk
"Alright my friends, I believe that we should finish stocking up and proceed to the next room," He points to the map, specifically Room 7. "I say we proceed to this room, beelining towards the room with the river of acid." He let his finger linger on the map, allowing his Eldritch Presence to store a copy into it's incomprehensible memory.
Bellas, having left the treasure room, nodded along, working on enchanting the new bow.
((Uriel attempts to use his Eldritch Presence to create a copy of the map. Bellas is working on enchanting her bow.))
"No. Splitting up is the worst thing we could do," she said. "We are splitting our combined resources over multiple parties. This can only lead to trouble. From what I've heard we've been okay so far, but one botched cast or lapse in judgement could seriously cripple us." She took a breath. "We should stock up now and keep moving, raiding the rooms we do come across. We can clear the rest of the dungeon after we finish off the dragon."
He glanced at everybody else in the room, then said, "I believe we are capable of handling any particular room on our own, even if there were only three of our number. Furthermore, this dungeon appears to have been established as something between a test and a training regimen. By setting obstacles in our path, I believe the dragon intends for us to become strong enough to challenge him."
"Then by that logic we should stay together, that way we all partake in the same 'test.' "
"I do wish for us to become stronger, but given how long it has taken us to explore just four rooms, I feel we may safely sacrifice a bit of strength to be done within the next year."
"Which is why we shouldn't stay in rooms longer than we absolutely have to."
"We are adventurers. It's in our nature to try and extract every possible bonus from every room we visit."
"Since it is essentially a requirement of the task ahead of us, would it not make sense to do what we can to shorten the time we must spend doing it?"
As you may have guessed, I'm having to put this on hold for now. I'm currently swamped by work for my masters and I am having trouble keeping up as it is. Hopefully this should calm down over the next few weeks, and I should be able to continue with Dungeon Crawlers after that.
Bellas continues to search using the same parameters as the previous round
Uriel attempts to scan the current room for any secret passages, unaware of what Virro has found.
"If anyone wants to carry anything we may need later, place it in this bag. Carefully," he added gruffly as he went to inspect the weapons and armor for something he could use.
She then proceeded to examine the armor for something she could use, specifically some kind of bracers or gloves, or maybe an upgrade for her belt.
He wondered what the scrolls entailed, if they described new spells or the history of this place. He wondered if they were handwritten or not--possibly field notes from a previous expedition that might prove useful for their own purposes.
She started picking through it, trying to find something good. Davug shook off his stupor and reddened a little. He had very much not intended to just stand there and stare, and hurriedly walked over to the weapons rack to try and find another one-handed weapon to go with his mace. Virro, meanwhile, decided that the amulet should do well enough while Centorea and Davug looked for other equipment, and so decided to investigate the map.
Keegra pulled out the potions to investigate their contents.
Finding the bolt is sufficiently Not-Valentines-Day-Themed, she eases the string back into it's starting position. She then walks over to the treasure room, from where she intends to find a sufficiently better bow/set of short swords.
Uriel continues to search the room.
"You realize if you smash whatever's in there, there's really no point in opening the box."
He walked over and offered her the key. "Try this?"
If he ended up with a bag, he might try keeping the spiked ball for his further travels.
That isn't going to work.))
((I choose the enchantment!))
Especially when she could smash it?
She lifted a fist and brought it down on the top of the chest.
It proceeded to join the adventurers in searching the next room, weighing its longsword in its hand as it did so.
The welcome mat it found suspicious, for some reason, and it made to examine it, looking for pressure switches and signs of traps.
It didn't expect to find any, considering the dragon remained here in order to be challenged, and so would want the adventurers to make it to the armory unharmed, but still. It didn't hurt to check.
(That is, I'm gonna loot the room!)
He also takes out a journal labeled 'Uriel Seraphim's Methods and Applications of Eldritch Presence' and writes and entry. While doing so he proposes the party to take inventory of the room and find tools and weapons they may need, and trade the rest to the Kobold Vendor. He then mentions that they may soon need a Bag of Holding.
"Thank you, Blearm. It is much appreciated." He walks back over to Renna, and says, "Do you believe this will be sufficient?"
"I think we should go down the tunnel, if only to see where it will lead us."
"My friends, allow me to attempt something," He says, placing his hand on the door.
He closes his eyes and begins to imagine the tendrils he associates with his Eldritch Presence. He imagines his hand as a hole in the door, and he lets the presence slip though the door. He then imagines the tendrils conforming to the shape of the room lies across the door. Should something of interest be beyond this door, he should know.
But instead turned to the merchant. It would be prudent to walk into anywhere new as best armed as it could.
It handed him the longsword, thinking that the spork was far too valuable to give up in trade. "It hopes this is suitable for trade."
...are one handed weapons, you'll get a one handed weapon in return.))
He approached the Kobold. "You are a Merchant, yes?" he inquired. "I believe I have something I would be willing to trade with you." He took out his bow and showed it to Blearm. "Would you be willing to exchange this for something?" Davug stepped a little closer, and eyed the Merchant suspiciously. Something was not quite right about that one. He did not trust him. He mentally readied himself to defend the Elf if need be.
...all the zombies))
There had been something suspicious about the painting. Xiv'riit had thought the painting was suspicious, and hoped Keegra would find it out. Which left it free to upgrade its weaponry before investigating the tunnel.
"Now, before it hands over its weaponry to you," the shardmind said smoothly, "it would like you to answer Keegra's question."
It had hoped to investigate the painting for signs of recent usage before it was destroyed, but for now, questioning was the more direct line. That said, it moved over to peer at the frame, as casually as it could.
"not to interrupt or anything, but I don't suppose any of you were aware of this passage? I think we should investigate."
"Would you rather discuss price before or after I do something about my lack of a proper weapon?"
It seemed obvious to it that these were a group of adventurers who'd decided to situate themselves inside this Last Bastion, Watching Over the rest of the cave network as best they could.
It stood to attention, and addressed them. "Are there any clerics among you? Xiv'riit and its companions seek to move further within the caves to find the dragon-- perhaps some armor could be spared? If not entirely, perhaps a trade might be in order?"
Swiping his hand through the air and firing off lighting quick jabs.
"It works well," He said, doing the same bow he did when he first entered the room. "Thank you."
He then proceeds to make Tea.
"I was not speaking of archery itself, but of the ability that I know some Elves possess that allows them to create bows that fire projectiles without having any at hand. I wished to know if you had this ability."
Feeling it settle against her hip, she nodded once, satisfied, before going to inspect the painting on the wall. Perhaps it could provide them with some clues.
He commanded Shaban to go stand in the room the party had started in and scream if he was being brutally murdered. Again. And fight back, of course. He'd have to go stitch him back up later, but for now, that should do. He stepped into the room, and said, "We are indeed, but if straits are this dire, perhaps we could make a detour in and aid you in escaping from this place." Davug followed and stood behind him, but was ready to thrust him out of danger and defend him if he was given any reason to.
"Don't try to hide what you are Necromancer." He makes the word sound like an insult,probably because he is using it as one. "If we could have escaped we would have, but whatever magic Paarnax has woven through the Bore Hole prevents us from doing so, much like it now prevents you from escaping or creating new tunnels and caves. Even if it didn't we wouldn't need your pansy assistance Elf." Again Elf sounds like an insult. Rudig looked at Keegra, "Now is there anything in particular you want? You should not worry about the numbers we faced, we do not think Paarnax has those kinds of numbers anymore. "
It appeared there was another Elf in the room, and perhaps she was an Arcane Archer who could enchant his bow should he get it repaired. Hm. Well, he might as well ask. "Excuse me, ma'am," he said to her, "But would one of your talents be that of the Archer?"
"Hail, Rudig Stoneheart and Stoneheart's Crew," Uriel said, putting his fist in his knife hand and bowing. "I am the one who first spoke across the door."
The two are muttering between themselves and until one scowls, curses and then steps forward. "Greetings He Who Speaks Across Doors. I am Udouk Goldtank and this is my half-brother Gikur Ironfeet, I must ask are you under any sort of curse?"
"I willed my hand into this shape while fighting Zombies in the previous room," He said, gesturing to said hand. "Turns out it worked a little bit to well and my hand ended up stuck like this," He paused for a moment. "My Shardmother always said 'When life gives you geodes, you make crystals,' so if any of you dwarves could see if you could improve my hand, perhaps with the help of your Centaur friend over there," he gestured to said Centaur friend, assuming her to be a healer, "That would be greatly appreciated."
"I didn't mean your hand He Who Speaks Across Doors, I meant whatever the sod happened to your voice when you spoke through the door to our Bastion. It sounded like the worst gibberish we'd ever heard of. 'Pologies and my sympathy if that's your native tongue, because it must be bloody hard to talk to anyone about anything like that." Gesturing to the Centaur he said. "Now this, here is our Healer and Cleric Prilanos, I know we Dwarves can do anything about you're hand, but if anyone can do anything down here, it's probably her."
Prilanos nodded. "I'll see what I can do."
Blearm is a Kobold Trader. With his ultra-special hyperspace market-stall he can travel anywhere and still access his stall, allowing you to trade items with him if you want to. However, this mechanic is only in play whilst Blearm is alive and not enthralled, and undeath will not bring it back. Also to trade with Blearm you must specify what you want, and give him something of the same type in exchange (If you want a weapon you must give him a weapon, if you want a piece of armour you must give him some armour, or if you want an Other, you must give him an Other that is an item) The more powerful the thing you give him the more likely the thing you get in return will be more powerful (ie if you gave him a Sword +1 the likelihood you'll get a sword +5 back would be, say 1/10th, but if you gave him a Sword +3 the likelihood you'll get a sword +5 would be 2/10ths for example.) This has been put on Discord, but is here for permanence.
"Hail," she said. "My name is Keegra Bloodfist, of the Frostwolf Tribe. These are my companions. Might I ask what brings you to the lair of the dragon?"
It looked at Virro, scathing words on its tongue, but it seemed Keegra had rendered anything it had to say redundant, and so turned to the less-than-successful orc.
"Very well fought," it said drily, raising the equivalent of one eyebrow at the orc. "We shall be sure to call upon you whenever we are faced with the mortal peril of intact weaponry." However, as unimpressed as the shardmind was, it was also aware that they might need everyone they could get at some point in the dungeon, and so it begrudgingly healed the orc's injuries.
Keegra gave the elf a dirty look before going to check on Davug, hoping to use her knowledge of first aid to assist him. "Don't worry," she said in Orcish, "you will heal even more quickly with the aid of the shardmind with the spork."
The Orc shakes his head in reply, then says, "Heal quickly. Will be gone soon." He picks up the Mace lying on the floor. At least the Combat Bonus is the same as the one he received from his sword. He decides he'll keep whatever shards he can salvage, both for their sentimental value and because random shards of metal might come in handy some time. This is a dungeon, after all. Things like that happen all the time. After doing this, he goes to petition Xiv'riit for his help. Meanwhile, Virro has taken the Necromancer's Robe from Shaban, then starts talking (rather loudly) through the door, hoping there's still somebody on the other side to hear him. Should there be anybody in the next room, he attempts to persuade them that the are not, in fact, enemies, and that, if they would be so kind as to step away from the door, he will open it so that both parties can get a good look at each other.
"Well that works," he said with shaky breaths, not exactly saying he wouldn't do it again.
He regained his composure and walked over to the door with the dwarf on the other side. "Ja, we have taken care auf the Zombie-bitter. We will becoming in now. Please don't kill us!" With that, he opened the door.
"I knew it," it muttered, bringing its hands together and circling his palms slowly, healing magic sparking and flashing between them. Bright, blue light danced in complex arcs that should've seared with heat, but regenerated flesh before it had even sealed by folding the process forward through time so as to be instantaneous to an outside viewer.
""I will strike upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee!" he bellowed, quoting from the Book of Pulp, ancient tome from which he had learned the art of healing so many centuries ago, as he leapt for the zombie lord.
Uriel turns to face the Zombie Lord, then contemplates his bladed hand, then shifts his gaze to Virro. He then lowers to a Meditative position, imagining his Eldritch Presence. It's a mess of tendrils, snaking throughout the room, growing heavier around his party's magic users. He sees tendrils that once connected Virro to the Zombie Lord, seeing that some may still be connected.
He focuses his will on the tendrils originating from Virro, attempting to will them to reconnect to the tendrils emerging from the Zombies Lord, in an attempt to restore and strength Virro's command over it. He's also prepared to stop the manipulation should anything unexpected happen (ie, The Zombie gaining control over him).
He may or may not be cursing the random die roll that forced him to stand by while the zombie charged by him, even though he was attempting to keep watch. Meanwhile, Virro, who was most certainly not cowering, backs away from the Zombie Lord and begins firing arrows at the creature. "I see this is what you meant. I suppose this new, more powerful version of undead requires more finesse to control," he mutters. He uses his magic to probe the Zombie Lord and see if there are any special techniques he can find while that will give him an edge if he ever finds another of these things. He also makes a note to thank Keegra for interfering on his behalf after he gets rid of this monster. Meanwhile, Shaban does nothing, because he is not about to risk his master's new loot.
"I suppose I should get ready." Virro nocks an arrow in his bow and leaves it ready to either raise and fire at any hostile intruders. If they're not hostile, he'll attempt to persuade, but not to Enthrall, them that they have no reason to attack instead. "Hm. I suppose all of us standing here would be rather inconvenient." He nodded to Shaban, who shuffled away into the first room to look for more equipment, particularly Clothing that conferred an armor bonus. "Now, what was that about my new zombie being different, Xiv'riit?" As he said this, he moved the Zombie Lord in front of the door to help guard it. Davug eyed it suspiciously- he'd learned that sometimes it was hard to tell when certain members of the team were handing over information normally protected by the fourth wall- and decided it was worth more of his attention than the door, so he decided to focus on keeping the new zombie from hurting anybody who wasn't an enemy.
"Xiv'riit will be keeping an eye on you as well, Virro," the shardmind growled. "This creature is not like the rest. Xiv'riit does not trust it." Xiv'riit walked over to where Keegra was, and bent his head to concentrate on the voices
"Hallooo-o" Uriel begins in a strange accent, "You there on the other side of the door, ve may or may not vant to kill you. Please identify yourselves. Danke."
"Elf, I shall tell you this once and once only. If you cannot control that zombie, I will not hesitate to strike it down." She jerked her head at the door. "There are voices coming from behind here."
"You would try it again?," it asked, incredulous. "So bent on power you are. Xiv'riit begins to reevaluate its opinions on the speaker's intellect. . ."
He sidled over to the zombie, watching its corpse for any sign of movement, be it hostile or benevolent. But mostly hostile.
or succeeding, I see no reason not to attempt to raise this creature again. I must be successful eventually."
was that truly necessary? Hm. I suppose it was. However, you need not insult my necromancy. Or, rather, you need not insult necromancy in general. I have been failing to support this team as I should have been. I believe, if you do not require my aid, I believe I shall try to animate this creature again." Virro turned to the last viable corpse and began working to reanimate it. Davug rolled his eyes and joined Keegra by the door. He nodded at her in acknowledgement of her skill, but otherwise simply waited, weapons drawn. Shaban just did nothing. Virro saw no need to risk his last remaining zombie by making him roll when he had nothing to do.
"You fool!" she snapped. "What did you really think would happen if you went messing about with the natural order of things?" She huffed and went to stand guard by the door where she knew the orcs were waiting. "There are more enemies beyond this door. Stay on your guard."
before attacking the nearest zombie with a blast of healing magic. The world would benefit in no wise from the scribblings in the dirt if no one lived to tell about it.
"By Corellon's bow, if I didn't know better, I would think somebody was interfering with my work!" he growls. "This is truly getting ridiculous!" He readies his bow and fires at Zombie 7 while commanding Zombie 2 to sit still and not try to defend itself while Shaban and Zombie 3 dismember it. Meanwhile, Davug grimly draws both his Longsword and his Mace and begins the messy work of returning Zombie 1 to the grave, again.
He then pulled out his mace, contemplated it for a moment, and through it at the nearest Zombie with as much force as he could muster. He then dashed towards said Zombie, willing one of his hands to sharpen before jabbing it into the Zombie's face via a Knife Hand Uppercut.
((Uriel throws his Mace at zombie, then attacks said zombie))
"I truly am not having very good luck with the undead. It is quite frustrating."
She launched herself at the nearest one, fists at the ready.
"Necromancer!" she bellowed, forgetting to use her 'orc' voice, "Be glad we still have need of your skills, or I'd smack you into next week!"
She didn't have much time, and she knew it - the other adventurers were probably on their way, and soon they'd get all the best things they could find. She was ready to defend her new greatsword, but at the same time she needed backup, given how recently she'd arrived.
Tasting the scent of two other people incoming, she reared up to full height and looked around. "Finders keepers!" she announced to the room at large, drawing out her s's only slightly. "If anyone wants the other greatsword, now's the time to speak up!"
... begins to try again. Davug sets aside the leather armor, noting that he should give it to one of the zombies just in case, then slings his sword across his back and attaches his Mace to his belt. He goes over to loot the bodies. Virro commands one of the zombies to stand at the Southern and Eastern doors each, hoping they'll be able to serve as some form of guard.
((Thanks for the warning. Davug will pull out both weapons at once, but he doesn't need them now, and holding on to them while searching might actually make it harder.))
((Such tools exist, but you're looking in entirely the wrong room for them. It'd be better if you just tried to rez the Zombies. Also Davug can dual wield, there is no inherent disadvantage for doing so, you just lose the ability to carry a shield.))
Listening intently, she moved closer to the door.
(If the door is open, she peeks through it. If not, she tries to stealthily crack it ajar.)
If no one else appeared to be ready to move, it would do no one any good for the healer to pass up a chance to search for armor.
...and being the Munchkin card game player he is, Uriel loots the room some more
He pauses, then says, "I suppose it was to be expected. Very well. I shall begin raising those in the graves." He moves to do so. Meanwhile, Davug begins searching the room and empty graves for necromantic tools Virro might find useful. Failing that, he will look for armor Virro can use. Shaban stands in a corner and looks at the wall at Virro's command. Perhaps it was a bad zombie?
[Virro begins working on raising other zombies. Davug loots the graves, and Shaban stares at a wall.]
"Keegra also find belt. Keegra keep belt." Keegra made sure the belt was secure around her waist before setting the leather armor and club on the ground. She tucked the teeth trophies safely away in her furs and went to the eastern door, tapping her foot impatiently. "Small-man and rock-men and squid-one coming?
As he searches the graves, he says, "Check graves, more loot. Should be ready before next room."
Magnificent- a kind of chain reaction. . . Noting the effect of its magic on the undead creatures, Xiv'riit ran to the nearest zombie and laid its hands on it. "Xiv'riit is thinking you look decrepit, friend. Allow it to help."
((Heal the zombie!))
-And that is loot the room!
"Keegra smash zombies! Zombies dead... again!" She thumped herself on the chest and stooped to loot the bodies.
"This is why I prefer living soldiers," he remarks. "They are so much less prone to error and far more durable... most of the time." He strides into the other room and begins attempting to bring the zombie under his spell, and Davug stands by, ready to intercept and destroy the zombie should it attack the Elf.
It stood there, waiting to attack from behind any zombie which was foolish enough to separate itself from the group.
While standing there, it hoped to take advantage of the previous spell's invigorating properties, and so muttered another quick word of healing for any injuries in the room.
((Stands as hidden guard on other side of door, attempts to mitigate any injuries the party may have))
...He scans the room for a musical instrument so he can play a eulogy for the fallen bodyguard. A comedic one at that.
"Zombies!" she shouted. "Zombies in other room! Keegra is opening door!" She glanced at the other members of her party, saw the second orc decapitate himself, and facepalmed. "Keegra opening door now!"
Blood pumping with anticipation and adrenaline, she wrenched the door open and threw herself at the nearest (un)alive zombie.
He then takes position at door 4, ready to fight what ever comes through.
((Why take out your Mace? You're a Slugger, you fight better unarmed (+2 Cir when unarmed vs +1 Dam from the Mace).))
((I've also realized I made a mistake as I forgot you are a Natural Psion and so can't wear Light Armour. I will edit my post later (going Christmas shopping now) to give you an appropriate piece of Clothing instead. Sorry about any confusion caused on my end.))
Muttering about incompetent buffoons, she crossed the room to hold the door to Room 4 shut, bracing herself against it.
He prepares to decapitate the other if need be. Virro then begins to attempt to persuade this new Orc to join their cause, using his bodyguard's sword at the newcomer's neck as one of the numerous reasons why it would be advantageous to him to join their side.
Two rounds, in fact. She was nervous. Her daggers had done little to halt the Orc's charge. However, she wasn't done yet; a kill would certainly improve her standing in Keegra's eyes. So she prepared. She noticed Keegra bracing against the door and took up a position on the hinge side, as if the door did burst open she would be hidden from the other Orc's view. A knife or two in the neck would probably be helpful for the group's goals.
And it wasn't just an excuse to look at the way Keegra's shoulder muscles moved as she held the door shut. Why would you even think that?
Keegra pointed to the other door while remaining at the one she was holding shut. "Small-man watch other door. Keegra have this one."
"Using my knowledge from beyond the Fourth Wall, I know that that Orc on the other side of the door has a circumstance penalty that I intend to take advantage of."
((It's been long enough since a post last broke that wall, right?))
Keegra tilted her head, considering the elf's words, before turning back to the door and listening intently, picking out a rhythm to the pounding on the other side.
Right before the door was hit again, she opened it, hoping to send whoever was on the other side sprawling.
"Good job, um, holding the door, Keegra," she calls. "Keep it up!"
[Kali steps back, loads her sling, and waits.]
((Sorry I didn't comment on the last round; it's been an abhorrently busy week.
"Weak-minded orc!" it spat at the creature which had allowed its mind to be dominated, uncaring of how much (or how little) choice the creature had in the matter. "Useful, you should make yourself."
It kicked the sword over to the orc bodyguard, and moved to heal Keegra, still braced against the door.
((Main action: heal the Vanguard barbarian who will likely end up running headfirst into battle next round))
She felt the thump and smiled a satisfied smile. The door wouldn't be moving anywhere... as long as she didn't, either. She decided to brace her feet and hold her ground.
Though he has little time for that. He runs back over to the armory, hoping to find some good, well made clothing, or perhaps a better, yet still small, weapon.
Finally, they split up. Virro goes to bring Uriel some tea, and says, "Thank you for helping Xiv'riit. It was a truly selfless act." Meanwhile, the Orc rummages through the weapons racks, trying to find a weapon to replace the one that was taken from him.
((Also, a skill has been decided upon! Tough Skin, activate!))
She closed it and held it shut, silently cursing the hole she'd knocked into it with her head.
[Action: Keegra does her best to keep the door shut.]
Muttering softly, Xiv'riit attempted to heal itself. "Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao," it muttered, wishing for some mung beans.
"If it does not trouble you unduly, could you return that longsword to my bodyguard?"
((Gonna take this round to heal myself, while we've got the door blocked.))
He speaks quietly to the Orc (who shall remain nameless until he can share his own name with the audience), who growls something in reply. Virro speaks once more, and the Orc growls again. Virro says something more insistently, and the Orc shakes his head firmly. The Elf sighs, and backs out of the line of sight of the door, the Orc positioning himself in front of him, readying himself to defend Virro from any danger.
"I shall try to act more quickly next time, Uriel," he says to the green Shardmind. "I am afraid circumstances conspired to prevent my actions from taking place when they should have. I have taken steps to rectify this." He then turns to search the arms racks, hoping this short interlude will give him time to find a weapon, again, preferably a bow, but anything would do at the moment.
If it can't do any good in the fight, it can at least deprive the (possible) future bodyguard of their weapon. While so doing, it crawls into a position far enough from the fight to heal the party members afterward, framing its neck to see the room beyond and report the number of orcs to Virro.
The pain of the sword cuts on her arms seemed to clear Keegra's head and she realized what the orc was shouting. "Orc have more in other room! Stand down!"
((Edited after a bit of discussion with Storme.))
((Because by that definition, the fight has ended.))
(("Excited to be in such a large combat you yell something back down the hall before continuing to fight." makes me think Keegra wouldn't notice he's been pacified, especially since Virro pacified him earlier but he kept fighting.))
He would much prefer if he got a bonus in the check do to him also being a shardmind, but he doubts that would be the case. He lets someone else pick up the sword.
"Virro, be quicker to notify us when you do that."
Kali, practically (literally, to tell the truth) squeaking, hurriedly strapped on her leather armor and began frantically searching for a sling. "I'm coming!" she called, tossing unidentified weapons through the air as she dug through the armaments. "Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear--"
[Kali searches for a trusty Sling, for she is Sling-woman, slinger of slings!]
He waits to see if any others will come to help the Orc, ready to begin attempting to enthrall them the moment he sees them. ((That is how it works, right? I can enthrall people who want to attack my character?))
The tako hurriedly pulled on her new armour, hefted her daggers, and slipped around to try and flank the Orc. Thankfully, it was distracted trying to gut something that didn't have any guts, so it didn't immediately register Evard or her daggers until both were heading towards its back at pace. So incensed was she that she even tried to pummel the Orc with her remaining free tentacle. How dare it seek to attack Keegra when she was knocked prone? How DARE it?
[[ACTION: Evard moves around to flank the Orc from the left and tries to backstab it with her daggers.]]
Xiv'riit snarled, twisting the spork into the orc's windpipe, and pulling the orc tight against it to remove any advantage of the longsword. Xi was mindless of any pain it might later feel. It was angry, eyes glowing brighter with a kind of glee as it watched the orc suffer.
((It's fine, just so long as you don't do it again.
((As Ixi has pointed out to me, I shouldn't move your characters as much as did with Xiv'riit. I can either redo that part of the Round, keep Xiv'riit at the Souther doorway and having the Orc attack Keegra, or I keep it as it is. Either way I won't move the characters like that again. And I'm sorry for stepping too far. I will admit though, the Orc was the second luckiest person that round and I really didn't expect him to a) actually get to Xiv'riit, or b) Roll a natural 20 and do that much damage.))
How could she have been so clumsy? This was just ridiculous.
But there was no time to berate herself now. There was a battle at hand.
"LOK'TAR OGAR!" she screamed, throwing herself at the orc, fists at the ready.
(Uriel runs over to engage the massive Orc unarmed, stepping between it and Xiv'vritt. He hopes to utilize his Slugger ability.)
((Or it says/implies in the description that the ability must be used (All Wizard, Hedge Mage and Sorceror abilities, Dwarven Improving, Elven Enchanting and Controling Animals, Halfling Tracking, Centaur's Charge! and Healer, Trapmaster, Enthrallment) Or it's a Special Ability (which are normal passive actions), at the moment there are only 2, Invisibility and Tea))
"Two daggers. Hm. They seem... fairly magical." Evard tossed them from limb to limb, juggling the daggers rather well for someone who wasn't terribly experienced at fighting on dry land. "Though that might just be the One and Two inscribed on the blades. A shame there wasn't another. Now I just need some equipment - my own weapon oils will only stretch so far, for one."
Evard padded off, oddly silent on the stone floor save for the occasional schlup as her suckers kept her upright. Her plan was to search through the rest of the racks and find some armour made for tako, or at least something a bit nicer than her rather dowdy travelling clothes.
Virro begins to search the room for a ranged weapon of some sort, preferably a bow, while saying, "I believe we should be wary of staying here too long. This room and its resources may be setting us up for some kind of trap."
"The map appears to be correct, my fellow adventurers," she announces to the room. "I can hear voices behind one of the doors marked on the map, but I cannot say which, or what the voices may be saying." She considered the room they were in, and decided that her sling alone would not be enough; she wanted a bit of armor.
[Kali searches for armor she can wear. "Come get yer armor!"]
((But Kali doesn't have a Sling yet))
"I guess I am gonna need a weapon to make up for blunt weapon opponents." He says to no one in particular, post completion of the Tea.
(Uriel searches for a good weapon (Preferably a small and easily concealable dagger, but weapons with high bonuses also work), he also begins handing out tea.)
It keeps watch on the southern doorway from a safe distance.
She stood there, head cocked and listening intently for any sign of trouble.
[Basically, I'm keeping watch until we go/unless something comes up.]
((For Round 3 onwards please follow the instruction at the bottom of Round 2. I'm not trying to stop you RPing with your characters, I'd just like the actions to be where I'm looking for them))
((Although you could try and create armour out of weapons, it made need a few difficult dice rolls and may be a bit uncomfortable, and may poke you from time to time, but it could happen. :p I know what you mean. Although, specifying what type of armour you are searching for may be a good idea, otherwise it'll be random and could be a piece of Plate Armour that you can't wear or something like that. EDIT: Just noticed you said 'that you can wear' in your other post. So don't worry about the above for now.))
If you don't make it clear I will simply treat you as having not made an action.
Like, we keep the day's thread for RPing, but have a specific place to put our actions for the round.
He does this because he doesn't have any Search skills, you see. Also, a suddenly heightened sense of self-preservation.
"Split up? Never good idea. Split up, weaker team. Should stick together. Just send one into room first in case of trap." She looked at the rows of armor and weapons and snorted derisively. "Think stick to left hand side. Always left. Orc use when fighting in kobold lair."
Her piece said, Keegra wandered away to inspect the suits of armor.
[[Can I have her inspect them to determine their make?]]
((Explore, examine, investigate as much as you like. I will say that none of the armour or weapons are cursed or in any way meant to do bad things to any character. But be warned that, especially with bad luck, accidents can happen.))
Uriel, the mentioned Shardmind, was sitting in a central position in the room, pouring tea for the assembled persons.
"Though I must agree with Bloodfist," he paused for a moment. "Please call her by that name Miss Bunga, Yelani, I'd rather not learn why she earned that name."
[[Uriel begins a Tea Party, he also searches the room while he boils the water]]
"On lots Name Day, hunted down Lord Gladomaine. Ripped out heart with bare hands. Called Bloodfist!" She thumped herself on the chest.
She taps the map again. "True, to stay together is to minimize risk. To split is to minimize time. Risk is hard to estimate from here, but presumably high. Therefore..."
She turns away and addresses the group at large: "To know the time limit, we must take inventory. How many days' worth of supplies do we have, if all is pooled together?"
((...which we don't actually have the answer to, do we? I don't suppose our lovely GM could inform us? ^_^))
"Need food? Heart, liver, kidneys best." Keegra nodded.
"We need to save the bodies for our Necromancers, we're gonna need all the help we can get."
"Miss Keegra, I believe we discussed this last night. You will not eat the dead unless there are no necromancers in the party who would seek to use them. Furthermore," and here he paused to pull a sheet of paper out of his pocket that had Storme Hawk's reply about the supply situation on it, "As shown on this paper, the DM says we have enough supplies, therefore, we do."
((And even if you didn't you'd probably be able to scrounge up enough in most of the rooms you go into anyway. I'm not going to go into the mechanics of food and drink etc. so just assume you have enough.))
"I apologize for my lateness to this discussion. My author was sleeping, which meant I could not reply as I wished to. Now, it appears we have enough supplies to last us this entire journey, according to the DM, so I say we head East and travel down that series of corridors and rooms as far as we can go, and, given that the file for the map is called 'Public Map', I suspect there may be a number of private ones that will expand upon our current map, and we may find some on the way. Do any object?"
"I assume the South Western most room is our only path towards the dragon, we should visit that room first and weigh our options on how to get across that before we do anything else," he paused. "We should also see if we can find an alternate path towards the Dragon's lair. I propose digging through that small outcropping at the end of the hallway leading out of that door." He points to the eastern door. "We would, of course, need some way to bore through the wall, and I don't believe any among us are of a people well known for digging."
and collect all the items that may be held by the monsters in those rooms," Virro said. "I would also like the chance to collect as many recruits for our army of the dead as possible."
"But would the serpent not expect us to come from the pre-built entrance? To come in where the beast would not expect us too would give us an advantage in the fight." He pointed to the blue line. "We should cross this river with extreme caution. The path following it is much less maze like then the path before it. For all we know it could be a gauntlet of enemies. I'd say we take it slowly, have Miss Kali check each and every room before we continue, especially the room holding our goal."
"That way, we clear all the rooms available, and, given that digging is likely to be impossible if the Dragon is wise, we do not waste any time on pointless tasks."
"Terribly sorry!" she piped. "My author was decorating. I certainly will be able to check each room for us before we go in, Virro. Terribly easy, as a Tracker. Tell me which room to check, and I shall do so."
((Woo, RP!
((That's right on the map, by the way.))
"However..." Virro looked around the room suspiciously. "Perhaps we should search this room first? Perhaps there is something in here that could be interesting."
Keegra pointed to the stands holding the gleaming metal weapons and armor. "Squishy ones like pointy bits, yes? Then get pointy bits for squishy limbs."
Keegra held up a fist. "Called Bloodfist! Is very good title. Miss for nobles." She spat on the ground.
The Tako edged back nervously, as evidenced by the tremble in her tentacles. And then she said, in a much quieter voice, "Damn it, the first thing you say to her is a screwup. Stupid girl. Bad octomapus. Bad."
Keegra patted Evard on the shoulder, smiling (though it looked more like she was baring her tusks). "Just not used to orc custom. Bloodfist is good title. Strong title. But friends call Keegra."
Keegra thumped Evard on the back. "In tunnels, going to fight dragon. Need good friends to watch back, yes? Yes! That makes all of us friends. Bond by battle!"
"I meant something we could not see, obviously. There may be a hidden room, or traps, or something of that nature in this room, and it would be best to find out all we can before we continue."
[[Kali checks the eastern room. ...I rolled a 3 on 2D6.]]
The Elf looked around at the other members of the party.
"If map right, go east first. Stay on left. See every room there but one. Fight dragon. Come back, get last room, straight path to exit." She huffed again and bared her fangs. "Rock-man supposed to be smart. Rock-man not so smart as says."
((But that map will be in most rooms (because even the denizens of the dungeon get lost from time to time). Besides, that probably falls under a free action, so you can do it, you don't have to ask me))
I'll put them into the next round
So come and join the 'fun'. I'll edit Round 9 to include you in. You'll be spawning in Room 4 with Random Equipment.
Not that I mind, just making note of the fact...
I think there may be a room in the dungeon that will help with that foot odour problem. Otherwise if there were a clean freak or a monster with a sensitive nose, that might warrant a negative Cir for them...
I'll be starting the first round in about 9/10 hours after I've had some sleep. I'll let it run until either everyone has posted or for 36 hours, whichever is shorter, subsequent rounds will probably last 24 hours.
Given what you're wearing (or not as the case may be) certain genders may or may not be a bit more distracted than usual when you fight them.
No understand why must wear clothes. Just itchy and get in way.
Hate to say this, but Shardmind's only get 1D20 +10 Health, so you have 29 Health not 31
I was on mobile, so yeah
But otherwise welcome, Uriel the Not-Monk
I'd appreciate both your thoughts on it, as well as the others if you've got time. =]
So long as no-one pays attention to you AND you're lucky with your dice rolls don't forget, that -1 Cir still exists.
That's the beauty of taking Tentacle Tangle. Against the many, many humanoid enemies in these dungeons - two arms, two legs, size class Medium, and so on - it actually balances out! It only becomes a problem when facing something like, say, a Dragon, and if I have the full attention of a Dragon when I'm only wearing light armour, well, I've got bigger problems. =]
Assuming that there would be many, many humanoid enemies in the dungeon under that description.
I like the character already. Even if he does seem to have a decent amount of luck.
"If I were to reassign my Class and one of my Skills, would this require me to reroll my Health?"
I know we've discussed it before a bit briefly. But when I said I don't mind a bit of Fourth Wall breaking, I did mean a bit. To be honest, that point has now past, and it is getting on my nerves, so please: No Fourth Wall Breaking. For now at least, I may get a bit more lenient later on. This doesn't mean 'Stop having fun' or 'You must take this 100% seriously' I'm just asking for people to tone it down a little in certain areas.
Oooh! Oooh! Mr. Storme Hawk! Mr. Storme Hawk! Pick me! Pick me! Oh, you're picking me? Alright, then. Ahem. Two questions: Firstly, if a woman takes the Knight class, does the Man of Honor skill become Woman of Honor, with adjustments to dealing with men, and secondly, for stuff like the Psion's Eldritch Presence, if I'm, say, an Elven Psion with Enchanter and Eldritch Presence, do I get the bonus? Finally, do we only get two race abilities, or the full set, including the extra class ability?
Honestly, I hadn't thought of the first instance arising, so I'm going to say yes, yes those changes do apply (thanks). In the Second instance I would also say yes, because how I worded didn't say 'allied' and seeing as you'll always be in the same room as yourself.
One thing I will say is that Paarnax is a male Dragon, and I think you'll want all the bonuses you can get against him.
I'm asking for a friend
Unless Paarnax attempts to squash or eat your character, his physical attacks will count as if they are blades. His fire breath will essentially be like an independent homicidal Fire Mage, so watch out for that. If he tries to eat you AND use his Fire Breath... well in that case is anyone up for a BBQ?
Three daggers? That's six extra damage per combat round right there, assuming everything hits. Hopefully I'll be able to get my tentacles on a few improved and/or magic ones. Y'know, just to increase my DPS a bit. =]