Subject: Mix things up a little.
Posted on: 2011-07-22 04:51:00 UTC

Yep, he'd said something wrong. In a way, though, he'd almost expected it; there was a mental gap there, citizen to helot in its manner (there was no other way he could think of it, when a few years as a character were nothing compared to almost forty back home), and he couldn't be surprised that he'd made a misstep. Still, it didn't seem to have hurt Jenni . . .

Trying to curb his behavior in order to not offend someone was a relative novelty in his life. But Jenni was a citizen-woman and as good as a battlefield medic, a firm hand and a smile with a challenge in it. She was a friend.

And she had worked miracles. As she spoke, Suicide pulled his arms in and braced his palms against the mattress. The muscles still pulled oddly in his shoulders and biceps, but there was a wonderful freedom of movement. He moved slowly, not intending to give anything away to Jenni right away, while she told him she had to get up. That's right, she had work, and she needed to see her son. Well . . .

"I should let you go," he said. Then, in one smooth motion, he pushed off from the mattress and executed a quick roll. Jenni had still been crouched over him, and with his leg hooked around her, he landed her neatly on her back. Another twist put him on top, leaning over her. His ends of his long gray hair draped down onto Jenni's messy brown, creating an odd tiger-stripe on the pillow. He kissed her hard again, showing his appreciation for her particular talents. Reluctantly--very reluctantly--he let her up after a long moment.

"But it's damned hard," he added, leaving one last nip at her neck. Wait, was that a double-entendre? Somehow, it wasn't as big a concern as it had been the night before. "I've probably got another mission waiting, too." The unspoken Gods damn it was clear.

((Ahhh, Oliver. With the inspiration of Master Chief's voice, though, I had to steal another line.))

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