Subject: Ya rly.
Posted on: 2011-07-18 18:04:00 UTC

((Cont'd from below to prevent comment trees)

Suicide had, out of long habit, stolen most of the blankets. When Jenni put her leg over his, he belatedly realized that she didn't have anything on or over her. After taking a moment to admire the picture she made, he untangled one of the blankets (it had gotten quite knotted before being kicked aside) and reluctantly pulled it up just far enough to hide the leg.

He raised his head just enough to grin down at her. "Yep. Bad influence, me. Let's see . . . I've influenced Nume into punching me in the face, and influenced you into lowering your standards enough to sleep with a Scythian helot. Not a bad start." He shifted his free hand under the blanket to Jenni's raised leg, running a rough palm over it and stroking along the lines of muscle that stood out beneath the smooth skin. Ye gods, that felt good. "So far I'm two for two on corruption. What d'you think I should do next? Besides keep you here as long as possible."

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