Subject: "Not like it matters, 'ere."
Posted on: 2011-09-11 16:39:00 UTC

Nat gave Henry a little smile. "They're still our kids, an' we love 'em."

"Damn right," another similarly lanky Agent added, sneaking up behind her and wrapping hs arms round her waist. He smiled a bit sheepishly at Jenni. "Uh, hi."

"This's Zach," Nat said, leaning against him with a blissful smile that proclaimed their relationship louder than words. "'E's in Floaters."

Down in the playpen, Emily let out a decidedly vocal protest as her new toy was taken away, and she toddled after Henry in a bid to reclaim the plushie. Anthony, on the other hand, gave the incoming boy a sunny smile and held up one of the toys. "Play?"

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