Subject: ((My, it's getting busy. :D ))
Posted on: 2011-09-10 19:07:00 UTC

William looked up and gave the Bajorans a smile. "It's good to see you," he said as Nataan and Lheya finally got within earshot. "I know it's all in the interests of being fair and not singling children out for invites, but a more-the-merrier plan seems to cause a lot more chaos. Not that your two seem to mind."

Meanwhile, over at the playpen a rather tall, thin young woman had just settled her twin toddlers in. While the boy seemed content to sit and play with some of his toys, his sister was more interested in the other babies, and wandered over to Henry with a huge smile. "'lo!"

Nat Freidar of the DMS gave Jenni a smile and a nod as their children played. "Nice ta see 'em all gettin' along so well," she commented, her Welsh accent still very heavy even after three years in the PPC.

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