Subject: More fire
Posted on: 2011-12-11 18:33:00 UTC

Yn'hrai, glad his Touhou-verse companion was with someone else for now, hopped over to the snack bar. All he saw that was edible was some tuna, but it was a strange brownish color. "All the food here is rotten, how do they ..."

"HI YINRA!" shouted Kasaiko, despite being right next to the deep one. As he turned around, he noticed several burning couches and chairs, as well as single spot on the floor that had caught fire. "The people with fire patches are from the Department of Geographical Abrasions! They use fire to clean up, and I'm helping! See how much of the furniture I've cleaned?" said the fairy with a proud look.

"How many times must I tell you, my name is Yn'hrai. Additionally, the flame flash patch marks a person as being a member of the Department of Geographical ABERRATIONS," the deep one stated. "Furthermore, the D.o.G.A. uses fire to cleanup uncanonical locations in badfic, not for housekeeping. As such,... wait, where are you going?" asked Yn'hrai as Kasaiko flew off toward the lights.

Yn'hrai considered tackling her before she could light anything else, but quickly realized that doing so would result in him catching on fire, and unlike her, he would not respawn. At this point, he noticed a rather nervous looking intern near the exit, and hopped over to him. "Hello sir," the deep one croaked, "Is my companion causing you trouble?", he asked, pointing to the newly respawned fairy.

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