Subject: *hugs all three* (nm)
Posted on: 2008-08-18 01:34:00 UTC
Good news! After keeping tabs on the Board all day... by
on 2008-08-17 20:02:00 UTC
...for the last thirteen hours, in fact, I think we can safely say that Techno-Dann was successful. The spam has stopped and has been deleted. The Board is once again ours.
All praise goes to JulyFlame who first alerted Techno-Dann, to Techno-Dann for leaping in to stop the deluge, and to hS for creating this temporary refuge during the crisis. Thanks to them all. -
*hugs all three* (nm) by
on 2008-08-18 01:34:00 UTC
Ack! D: (nm) by
on 2008-08-19 03:33:00 UTC