Subject: Let's see...
Posted on: 2008-09-14 19:34:00 UTC
Chronicles of Narnia
Caspian/OC. He's too good for Mary Sue. And Agent Eledhwen shall get angry.
More Emo!Caspian. With all the Emo!Caspian fics already out there, I think it's enough for me to slit my own wrists.
More Pregnant!Susan. That's honestly starting to get cliche.
The name Princess Sparklysmarklymuffinpoo. Even as a cutesy nickname.
The amazing one week walk from Imladris to Mordor. The whole "traveling distances take a very short time" thing is more for Narnia than Middle-earth.
OFUM and other OFUs
A student eviller than Lord Elrond. Not Happening.
A student with mithrilver eyes. (mithril/silver)
A student who manages to ensnare Legolas successfully
A not-so-evil OFU.
There's more...but gotta go...