Subject: Re: THe 2008 Ypur Invasion Roleplay!
Posted on: 2008-09-29 18:25:00 UTC

"STU-PE-FY!" said Omicron, and nailed an Ypur with a stun blast. The Ypur photo-negatived and collapsed, out like a light.

Tawaki and Dustin were on their way to the mail room when they ran across four Ypurs. Tawaki cursed in Romulan and sent a message to the DIA.
"Here we go again," sighed Dustin.

Tawaki drew his DL-44, set to stun. Dustin pulled out a pencil-sized device called a Sonic Smiter, recently confiscated from a Forgotten Realms/Doctor Who crossover that shipped Drizzt with Rose. Dustin pointed it at an Ypur and activated it. There came a noise not unlike Sue-squealing, and an Ypur went down. A blast of expanding blue rings from Tawaki's blaster and another went down. K-9 took the other two down.

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