Subject: THe 2008 Ypur Invasion Roleplay!
Posted on: 2008-09-29 15:44:00 UTC

Muttering as he stalked down the hallways, his trusty Keyblade, adorned with even more trustworthy sausages, Agent Lunac shot glares at his partner, one Agent Liadan.

"I can't believe you left the cafeteria door open!" He growled, mostly to himself. "The Ypurs are out AGAIN, and now we have to catch them. You realise the SO is gonna chew our asses out about this, right?"

Giving her partner a seemingly innocent look, one that happened to show every single one of her teeth, Liadan raised an eyebrow. "Is it my fault that the Ypurs can break through magic? I put my bes tlocking charm on there." TO illustrate this, her wand, ten inches of willow, with a Mermaid scale, sparked threateningly.

Ignoring Liadan as his eyes caught movement, Lunac reached for one of the six red and white orbs located on his belt. His fingers trailed along until they reached the orb second form the end. Clicking a small button on it, making it enlarge to its usual size, Lunac threw the Pokeball. "Go Apollo!"
From within the sphere, a brst of red energy rocketed out, forming into a creature that was an odd mix between a Kangaroo and a Sheep. THe Ampharos bleated, looking at the Ypur in front of it. Having had plenty of experience with these creatures for the past month, and having more brains than most Sue Authors gave a Pokemon credit for, Apollo raised its paws and released a wave of yellow energy towards the Ypur. The Thunder Wave impacted directly, paralyzing the ram-like creature and making it fall to the ground. Giving his Pokemon a tuhmbs up, Lunac ran past Apollo, pulling out two small black devices and switched them on. Lowering a hand until it lay on the Ypur's broad back, Lunac stretched out with the psychic powers lent to him by the machines and teleported the Ypur back to the cafeteria.

"One down, fifty-nine to go." Lunac murmured to himself.

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