Subject: Conflict
Posted on: 2011-02-07 07:10:00 UTC

Artemis had been racing Henry for the ball, fluttering his wings in an attempt to boost his speed. At the sight of Helen holding it, he skidded to a halt, looking somewhat put out at being beaten to the prize. The drool-covered apple plopped to the ground.

Then, as though getting over his disappointment, Artemis crawled past her, retrieved the rattle, and bit it. The action momentarily exposed unusually sharp teeth, leaving onlookers to wonder how the cloth apple had managed to stay in one piece for so long.


Kestrel was helping herself to the contents of the food table. There were crumbs in her whiskers and a smear of whipped cream on her nose, but she carried on happily, licking up most of what had missed her mouth on the way down. She spied a tempting-looking cream puff on a platter to her left. As she reached for it, so did Kyle, and the two of them grabbed it simultaneously in an odd parody of Lady and the Tramp.

The ferret smiled down at him, exposing two rows of sharp teeth. "Back off, young 'un, I saw it first."

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