Subject: Small talk and other sleep aids
Posted on: 2011-02-07 04:04:00 UTC

Barid held his gift out to Jenni with a wide grin on his face.

"You can put that over there with the others, thanks," Jenni said with a slightly forced grin. "Isn't Eamon with you?"

"Eamon be workin' wit a new partner," said the Troll as he made his way to the pile of gifts. "Some kinda exchange program. I'll be doin dat, soon as dey find me a partner."

He put the present with the others and his smile broadened. "Da pup is gonna love dat," he said. "I know I did when I was his age."

Voltarmi was at the table eating tiny sausages that were covered in a tangy sauce. She was quite enjoying this unfamiliar food. She looked up from her yellow plate when she noticed that someone had joined her at the table.

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