Subject: O rly?
Posted on: 2011-07-18 05:03:00 UTC

At the hiss she paused her wandering and propped herself up on her right elbow to scope out what she'd touched. She hadn't been thinking about wounds and charts, but when she saw the extensive scar below his left ribs, and the others visible across his body, she matched them to the descriptions she'd read. A twinge of empathy momentarily intruded on her calm, but perhaps deliberately, Suicide didn't allow her time to dwell on it.

She was happy to snuggle closer. With all the moving around she'd done, despite her best intentions to be lazy, she'd almost completely lost her covering of blankets. She drew up her raised leg and crossed his thigh with it. Her hand went back to gently stroking his chest and abdomen, scars and all, with the occasional detour into light kneading where she sensed it would be appreciated.

His suggestion about having been on the clock got an all-too-ironic laugh. "Well, I'm glad, but . . . no . . . I don't think my bosses would approve at all. Shards, I wouldn't approve. Confusing business with pleasure is one sin I managed to avoid, and here you are encouraging me. You're a bad influence," she accused, looking down her nose with mock alarm. "Somebody should have warned me about you."

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