Subject: Thank goodness.
Posted on: 2011-07-27 20:52:00 UTC

It might not have been great rhetoric, or even good English, but it got the job done. With each word, Jenni felt her lingering uncertainty fade and optimism take its place. Not explicitly, but tacitly, with bluff sincerity, he'd given her permission to look forward. That had been the hangup, and with that dealt with, she answered with a smile of unrestrained gladness.

"Perfect." There was no way she was not hugging him at this point. How did anyone not hug someone who'd just said you were good and wanted to see you again, and looked so damned adorably scruffy while doing it? Some things had to be spoken, but for two tactile creatures such as themselves, this was more eloquent than any words could ever be. The door could wait half a minute. Or a whole one. Or—

"Okay, no, really." She was laughing, but she brought up both hands on Suicide's chest and pushed herself firmly back a step. Even with the height difference making it less easy than it could have been, turning a hug into a kiss was as inevitable as the hug, and it took a real effort of will to stop there with the feeling of the newly-cemented connection vibrant between them. Yet, by the same token it was easier, too. She wasn't worried about losing it now, making it possible to reach over and quickly unlock and push open the door.

Jenni started to say something about going and doing his job (shield optional), but her eye caught a low shape in the hallway. Her mouth dropped open momentarily, but pressed shut again in a vexed expression before she spoke. "Fern. What brings you here?" Her tone suggested she already knew the answer.

Oh, bearing messages, as usual, the potted fern replied casually. The nurses have a little betting pool on your appearance and asked me to mark the time for them as a neutral observer. Elms will be quite pleased, but I'm afraid you've disappointed poor Mirrad. He expected you sooner.

Jenni hadn't blushed right away, but she did now. Mirrad's opinion meant something to her.

She stared a moment, looking puzzled. "We didn't see anyone. How did—?" The lightbulb went on, and she snapped her fingers, rolling her eyes at how oblivious she'd been. "Frank."

The fern ruffled its fronds in amusement. You didn't think you could escape notice, did you? In this department? They're putting up the banner in the break room, you know.

That was unexpected. "You mean the 'You Got Laid!' banner?" It did. "I thought we got rid of it after Suzine threatened us all with No-Drool Videos the last time!" She shook her head, fighting hard not to laugh, and turned to Suicide. "This is . . . I was in on inventing the thing. It didn't seem fair that only the guest should have to take the Walk of Shame, you know? Of course, I have no shame." She grinned. "You don't strike me as the type, either. Am I right?"

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