Subject: Percy was experiencing...
Posted on: 2011-12-10 11:57:00 UTC

One of the most awkward moments of his life, coming a close second to the time he had dived through the window and into that girl's room. I mean how has he supposed to know she was undressing, she totally over-reacted.

Anyway he had been left wandering the halls of the HQ after his run-in with a wizard, a poetry spouting man and two rather strange ghouls. After colliding with several walls that Percy swore had appeared out of nowhere and having no luck in finding Vorce, he had managed to find his way back to the lounge area he had appeared in. And to say it had changed was an understatement.

Now he was left standing in a rather large crowd of people who had seemingly come out of nowhere and was feeling rather subconcious about his appearance, Who could miss a 6"4' person with skin the same green as a christmas tree and hair that could have come from a rather flamboyant anime character.

"Should have stuck with the ghoul" Percy muttered to himself, before heading off to try and find anyone familiar and hoping no one would stop to ask him who he was.

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