Subject: Lisa's eyes skimmed over the...
Posted on: 2011-12-12 16:59:00 UTC

... snack table, searching for edible items. As in, things that were not made of cardboard, motor oil, small stuffed hedgehogs, or any combination of the three.

She finally poured herself a glass of strawberry lemonade and turned around, only to smack into a slightly taller woman who looked as if she was in her late teens. The woman had bright green, spiky hair and was wearing a radioactively green sweater with equally eye-blindingly red pants. The woman started chattering at Lisa at a dizzying rate. "Hey Lisa! How're those spells going? Cute t-shirt, by the way."

"Excuse me? I've never seen you before in my life." Lisa was certainly not amused at this.

The woman's eyes widened, then she smiled sheepishly. "Time travel. Never can get it right. Sorry. I'm the Scribe. Call me Scribe. Or whatever."

Lisa shook the odd woman's hand, rather bewiledered by her. "Erm... Nice to meet you, I guess. Time travel?"

"Well... yeah. Probably shouldn't hang around me for too long, there might be some timey... stuff... you know."

With the, the Scribe walked off, leaving Lisa blinking in surprise with a strawberry lemonade in her hand. She shook her head and walked in the other direction.

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