Subject: Well, I didn't mean you guys; PPCers are very understanding
Posted on: 2008-09-03 00:24:00 UTC

I was referring more to the other fanficcers out there, but nonetheless, it's comforting to hear someone say so. I'm most comfortable being honest; it's just such a touchy subject.

In any case, to follow your point there, Trojie, here's something to consider: While I was dating my last boyfriend, I read very, very few fanfic romances. After we broke up I delved into them, and now I read them on-and-off, but with no real "I want fluffy romance NOW" urges.

See a connection? ;) I suppose it's an extension of the escapism and fantasy aspects of fanfic; whether or not this 'substitution' is a good thing remains up for debate - my 2c is that daydreaming in fiction hasn't stopped me from looking for real life relationships.

(I can't say I had any hightening of interest in slash while I was dating, though. I don't think so.)

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