Subject: Hm...
Posted on: 2009-08-30 16:06:00 UTC
I'm thinking that it might be some kind of snake-like creature. Don't know why. Seris just sounds kinda Pareseltonguey to me.
Subject: Hm...
Posted on: 2009-08-30 16:06:00 UTC
I'm thinking that it might be some kind of snake-like creature. Don't know why. Seris just sounds kinda Pareseltonguey to me.
Looks like we've hit Spam City again... I guess we'll hole up here a while.
I know that it isn't the Board, because there's a post which has replies taking up the greater part of the webpage, and I would have noticed if something like that was on the board. On the other hand, exept for that (and all the other people asking 'where are we') it looks exactly like the board, and I'm getting this uncanny valley vibe. I got here from the Wiki, but it's being so vauge I have no idea what's going on. with this, please?
I'm half-wondering if this is going to happen every August. The idea of switching to a more controllable forum now that Oddlots seems to be down for good, maybe with a post on the Board explaining where we went, could do nicely, I guess. The alternative is using this one as our main Board, since it never seems to get hit by spammers.
I think the reason this Board doesn't get hit by spammers is because we don't use it that frequently. There's no point-- from a bot's perspective (I think...), or a troll's-- in spamming a forum where nobody's around. The activity on the 'Board is generally pretty high, so spamming is more likely. If we switched to this link, we'd probably start getting hit here, too.
Also, the link is harder to remember.
I'm diving into cleanup now.
The Spambots have taken over. Game over, man! Game over!
Board is back to normal for now.
is now more seriously considering setting up a new, more controllable PPC forum...
... the Oddlots pages seem to be down for good (I'm in the process of mirroring the whole lot here, but it's taking a while), now would be the best time we've had in, well, ever.
We're findable enough via Google that I think losing the old address won't be too much of a problem.
I bet this causes the same sort of emotion as being a survivor in a zombie apocalypse.
The spambots have inflicted a bunch on us.
That's quite a lot. I wonder if we'll get more from the same source.
... from a different source. And this one masquerades as an admin (and even apologises for being off-topic). Well, gee, if we hadn't just been hit by the previous eleven and a half pages, we might even have been fooled!
This is actually the first time I've ever actually been in the middle of a spam attack. Huh. Well, might as well make myself comfortable.
gathers up stash of junk food and books
It seems more like a directed effort to screw up the board than an effort to make any sort of point, or for that matter sale.
In fact, this fallback Board was originally created because of an attack of this sort, if my memory serves.
This time we're getting serises, whatever a seris might be.
I wonder what we did to attract them this time. Ah well, at least this one's speaking English. Want some popcorn? holds out mega tub of buttery popcorn