Subject: I would love to, but...
Posted on: 2010-09-01 02:03:00 UTC
I don't actually have any agents.(insert sadface) If you're not finished before the middle of September, I'd love to let you use them!
Subject: I would love to, but...
Posted on: 2010-09-01 02:03:00 UTC
I don't actually have any agents.(insert sadface) If you're not finished before the middle of September, I'd love to let you use them!
Remember waaaaay back when Agent Shinra and Agent Ueru used to work together? And that they had four (or was it five? six?) failed weddings and then just gave up? About the same time I went into lurk mode for a really long time?
Well, been going through my agents and their histories and Ueru ended up one of the many who died during one of the invasions. However, this is has nothing to do with that~!
This is me trying to ask if anyone wants their agent to make a small appearance in some backstory I finally dragged out of storage and decided to finally write. A.K.A. The eventual marriage of Agent Shinra and Agent Ueru. Because, you know, it's about friggin' time.
Any takers? If not, I don't mind. I'll just put a bunch of nameless agents in the reception. =D
~Keily, who's happy to be writing something not!depressing again
Would love to attend! Entropy would still have been around then (he, too, died in the Macrovirus/Invasion schemozzle), and Riboflavin was not yet recruited, but all the rest (Logan, Aegis, Iodin and Alagos) are available for the taking.
...except that my agents weren't around until late 2007. :(
Sadly, neither of my currently active Agents were around at that time. I've got one in the works who would've been, but she's not due to show up in my canon for about two more missions.
That'll have a small effect on which of my many characters would be available for this piece. Get back to me at and I'll see which would be available, and give you any information required.
Mostly in between-ish. Probably the summer of 2007.
Just saying.
I have agents Allison, Tasmin, Steve and Emma who can leaned a name to the faceless crowd. Or was that face to the nameless crowd?
Tasmin's not much of a party person. The others can enjoy themselves without making snide remarks about the probability the marriage will fail.
Do you have a gmail account or some other email I can reach you at, regarding my agents?
Well, here it is: sinner saviour @hotmail. com
Just take out the spaces.
I've been busy getting settled in and the like the past couple days, so I haven't had time to really lay out the e-mail, but I'll be sending it ASAP.
Just a simple description of your agents. Maybe a very tiny biography, but that's about it. I don't need their life story, since they'll be making small cameos much like many other agents will be.
Sorry for the delay.
I more meant deciding which of mine would be likely to show up and such. Like I said, I have a lot of agents to choose from, and since a lot of them haven't had the chance to appear in my writings yet, have to explain who they are and such. But thanks. Just wanted you to know that I've just been busy, hence being late in sending it.
I have to be at a local airport in about six hours to catch a flight leaving at 7:30, but I'll get a message written up and have it sent to you either before I leave or when I get to my hotel room in Florida.
I don't actually have any agents.(insert sadface) If you're not finished before the middle of September, I'd love to let you use them!
Assuming the wedding takes place before the 2008 Sue Invasion, since you said the groom dies then...
Nurse Jenni would definitely turn up for a wedding. If it's 2007, she'd probably drag Ilraen along so he can see what it's like, and between the two of them they could probably get Nume to show up. You could also grab any of my FicPsych people. And Agent!Neshomeh.
And yeah...of course it'll be BEFORE the 2008 Invasion. A year before....TTATT
Alrighty then! I shall add them to the guest list! =3
Now I just have to figure out where the wedding will be THIS time. OFUM is out. So is HFA. Hmm....