Subject: There or here?
Posted on: 2011-07-21 22:21:00 UTC
So do we hang out on the board until it passes, or just weather it?
Subject: There or here?
Posted on: 2011-07-21 22:21:00 UTC
So do we hang out on the board until it passes, or just weather it?
... spambots tend to hit us in August, which means this one is about ten days early. Or there's a time warp.
I wondered if this was coming. Does this strike anybody else as reeking of a deliberate disruption? Three years with this is pretty ridiculous. Did we piss somebody off during the summer at some point?
Annual spam attacks are a strange thing, though. Maybe... maybe, and this is a long shot, it has something to do with schools in the northern hemisphere finishing for the summer, and the already-bored techno-minded students wanting something 'fun' to do?
That, or we really are going to have to look into the life cycle and feeding habits of the common spambot...
On one hand, both boards looks like deliberate disruption. On the other, if that's what they were going for, why limit themselves to once a year?
Tis the season. And then we should expect it to continue on and off until the end of September.
So do we hang out on the board until it passes, or just weather it?
-until it is completely weathered out.
The migration patterns and breeding sites of the wild spambot, I suspect.
This could be my obsession with naming things speaking out again, but if this happens every year, it ought to have a name. :D
I'll see if Trojie can break out her spiffy knowledge of all things scientific for us.
Maybe we should try to bribe it with its favourite food, then trap it in a cage to experiment on it?