Subject: News from YourWebApps!
Posted on: 2016-01-03 13:20:39 UTC
I managed to get into the support forum, and Sean has posted this:
Sean Brunnock DiscApps are undergoing an attack Sat Jan 2, 2016 07:23
Our hosting company's network, Linode's, is being attacked and causing the DiscApps to be slow or unresponsive.
We think that LInode will resolve the issue. If not, we'll have to move the Discapps to another provider.
I'll post updates here when I can.
The only update posted so far is this:
Seems OK now — Support, Sat Jan 2 20:28 Keeping an eye on things.
I don't know what the current forum time is. It seems to be up but very slow right now.