Subject: So the Board's gone down.
Posted on: 2016-01-02 09:50:38 UTC
This seems like a reasonable time to check whether T-Board is even mildly functional under normal load.
Subject: So the Board's gone down.
Posted on: 2016-01-02 09:50:38 UTC
This seems like a reasonable time to check whether T-Board is even mildly functional under normal load.
How's the situation with the Board for you? I saw it back online several times during the day, and even new posts, but it always stop working after a moment. Am I the only one seeing this?
In some way, it feels worst that if the site was constantly offline, because it gives the impression the problems, whatever they are, are far more difficult to correct. Do the people you mentionned on the Wiki know anything?
It's their website, I'm sure they know why it's on the blink. But the only way I know of to contact them is through their forum - which is itself hosted on YourWebApps.
If the T-Board works, I propose for it to replace the Other Board as a contingency plan.
(The Other Board is still good for RPing, though. When it's not down.)
I was going to go even further: why don't we use T-Board in place of the Other Board all the time? It would be an excellent long-term stress test, and if it goes down or shows problems, it'd be good to know what they are.
After all, hosting sites come and go. (And I know it very well, as I had to migrate the whole of my spinoff). Having our own Board makes it more "portable" in case Webapps goes down permanently.
It seems prudent to me that we should, at the very least, have a backup that isn't hosted in the same place as the main Board. (If T-Board works, then great. If not, we need something else.)
Even if the problem comes from WebApps as a whole, and not only from the Boards, fact is they've suffered more and more shutdowns since August. I really hope this new Board will do.
What they've had is three or four shutdowns since about August - but that's also three or four shutdowns since 2008. I don't know what's going on over there, but it's not 'gradually getting worse'.
However, I saw more moments when the Board couldn't be accessed. It lasted for a short time, so we cannot really talk about shutdowns in these occasions. It still occured several times, and the frequency of these incidents was slowly increasing. Guess it's performance issues, like Des said, but it was still irritating.
"We've been getting quite a lot shutdowns lately". Yourwebapps' performance plummeted in the last half-ish year, and I'm not only talking about downtime — ads, anyone?