Subject: It ain't blue for me.
Posted on: 2008-08-18 17:17:00 UTC
:P Weird.
Subject: It ain't blue for me.
Posted on: 2008-08-18 17:17:00 UTC
:P Weird.
I'm pretty good with stylesheets. Let me know what you need tinkered with.
awful timing. I blew in in the middle of your spam crisis, looking around at places I used to lurk such a long time ago.
But hooray! All is not lost, and you have a delicious new refuge!
The links... they're blue. I feel like I've wandered into an AU by accident.
:P Weird.
I'm seeing links as blue and everything else red. Bit disorienting. Using FF3.
grey background, khaki unvisited links, dark red visited links and green text.
Could just be me though.
after checking my options, that everyone is seeing their default/chosen browser colours. There's an option on Firefox to choose page background, link and text colours and a tick box to 'allow pages to choose colours, instead of my selection above'. I have the box checked yet I am still seeing the colours I chose.
(does the above make sense to anyone? I'm not a tech person, so I wouldn't know)
... that at work it's all red and at home it's all blue. Only difference I know is that work uses IE and I use Firefox at home.
And I see blue. So perhaps that's it.
That might be it.
A strange bizarre alternate reality where the PPC Board is blue! And not swamped by spam!
... okay, it doesn't look very different. But the ability for security guards (cheers on that title, by the way) to block bad IPs is, I think, the best combination we could ask for in terms of keeping things the same and not being so open to attack.
I'm quite happy for a permanent switch - just so long as we don't end up using both interchangeably, because that will just drive us all mad. One or the other. I'd favour this one simply for the password guards.
Yes, I am wondering about that, although I've only been here for five to six months. It's very strange indeed.
-Lynxihez, who is now absent-mindedly chewing a pencil
Wiki front page has been updated with this news.
I'll be sure to keep that updated on the situation.
And if this is a permanent switch, I can offer the wiki page for the Constitution to be linked to, or if not that, we could always whip up a freewebs or something for it.
Different, though. And blue. But at least we have a Board again!
Seems okay here. Nice to have a backup, at least.
Much better without all the spam.
PS Did anyone else see that spam message that was different? The one about little boys and candy or something?
It said: "hi guys i am young boy like you i have free candy and yummies at my house pls come and get free candy like haloooweenie and you wil be very happy go to red van by house with scratching FREE CANDY and eat candy and have yummy yummy feeling then sleep at my house and lets HAVE FUNNY FUN and CANDY pls come i am young boy lonely 11 male lonely "
Is anyone else really, really distressed by that?
Oh, come on! How can a spambot pretending to be an eleven year-old boy with a candy fetish NOT be funny? ;)
I never clicked the link, I only glanced at the summary. But, yeesh, that's really disturbing.
Should I (or someone else) post every few weeks or so on the old board? Just to stop it going down?
That's weird.
Thank you very much, hS. This is very nice.
After JUST having played Earthbound where there's a cult painting everything blue, the blue text is kinda funny.
I like the new board, though. Maybe now I'll get around to posting more.
Aww, a new place. Which is nice, but...not as good as being able to post at one board without fear of evil spamminess.
Evil evil spambots.
flips off troll
Temporary sounds like an excellent idea, unless we really do have to leave the old place for good. Which hopefully we won't.
Cassie, who is always encouraging.