Subject: Manx and Shadow...
Posted on: 2008-08-17 20:13:00 UTC
are about to get their RC flooded with ypurs. You can adopt from there, if you like.
Subject: Manx and Shadow...
Posted on: 2008-08-17 20:13:00 UTC
are about to get their RC flooded with ypurs. You can adopt from there, if you like.
The spambot has left us with a whole lot of them. Where shall we put them all?
If you read any one of the spam messages, you'll notice something along the lines of "hey i luv it send me ypur pics." When the first spam appeared, I promptly decided that a ypur sounded like a sort of yakkish blue furry animal that liked to eat sausages and had uberspiky horns. Lycaenion even drew a picture.
I would like to ride on its back into the wild blue yonder.
We would blend in, see.
I like the drawing. It looks so gleeful!
Didn't someone volunteer to make a list of them like the Mini-Balrogs at OFUM?
are about to get their RC flooded with ypurs. You can adopt from there, if you like.
She shall be called Wilma, because that name attached itself to her. huggles
It shall be called Alto and will think it can fly.
...his name is Frederick, and there is plenty of spambot sausage for him to nom on. XD
I dunno, first thing I could think of.