Subject: Oh, and thanks!
Posted on: 2008-08-21 13:30:00 UTC
I'm having a crateful of Anti-Lustin flowers(non-sentient)
sent to your house right away. Hope you like them!
Subject: Oh, and thanks!
Posted on: 2008-08-21 13:30:00 UTC
I'm having a crateful of Anti-Lustin flowers(non-sentient)
sent to your house right away. Hope you like them!
It's an old Pokemon/Digimon crossover badfic.
PS: I've just discovered that the Urban myth about Digimon being older than Pokemon is just that-an Urban myth. See here for details:
Since the Urban myth has been gospel truth to me for about five years, I feel...shattered. Yes, I know it's immature, but I just can't help it. Can someone please tell me that all i'm seeing is just vandalism or false assumption? I'm just not ready to go past the denail stage yet.
Another PS: I've left fandoms for less. I hope I won't have to leave this one. It's been so important to me!
Yet Another PS: Sorry for any errors in grammar.
AS to the Pokemon/Digimon thing, I knew about Digimon before Pokemon, so I always assumed Digimon came first. Does that help? :P
What I really wanted was to be told that Wikipedia has just made one of it's habitual mistakes, that deeper analysis would prove the talk page and the article wrong. Yes, that's selfish; but I have a tendency to grsp at straws, even when it's futile. Sorry for being immature!
PS: Tell me if there are any grammatical errors.
MINE! Misses and falls into the stampede of Ypurs
I've been looking for a Pokemon fic to PPC / MST. It's one of my favourite fandoms, and so is Digimon. Sighs.
ANywho, Pulls out spork
It's only two chapters of OOCness and pain, so it won't take very long, right? Please reply! I'd hate to be left out cold tommorow.
I've got exams at school. BIG exams, as in, the Semi-final ones... Sighs
But it will get there in due haste. One of my Agents is from the Pokemon Continuum, and his Pokemon Team won't take kindly to their world being crossed-over or trespassed on by Sues and Stus.
Oh, and this thread is still active, so please, reply. Whenever I make a post, people always assume it died quite quickly, or don't notice it at all. That bothers me. Oh, and can we talk about the... other concerns I raised on my main post? If you're willing, of course.
I'm having a crateful of Anti-Lustin flowers(non-sentient)
sent to your house right away. Hope you like them!
Thanks for the flowers. THey work ever so well when stuffed up of the Canon Character's noses...
And what's so bad about Pokemon being older than Digimon? Oddly, I was one of the people who knew that, only because I actually watched both shows when they first came out. In fact, I have a handy-dandy little crossover of my own that deals with these two continuums, as well as others.
Ever read the Legendary Pokemon goodfics, by any chance? 'Wings of Council' by Topaz Soarhire' is my favourite.
Immature mode coming!
Gospel truth smashed... Beloved(but not good) plotbunnies killed... Defenses against fanbrats who can't comprehened the finer points of the Pokemon/Digimon debate iredeemably damaged... EVACUATE THE FANDOMS! EVACUATE! EVACUATE! EVACUATE! FLEE TO WARCRAFT! FLEE TO WARCRAFT!
...those two fandoms. At least the Retcons and the Revalations actually work.
Immature mode: Still on. a whole. Sorry! Do you know any flowers or gemstones, that symbolize guilt and apology? I need to send Anti-Lustin versions to you right away. Of course, you might not want those, considering how I acterd...
Immature mode: Temporarily off.
You really should read the Legendary Pokemon Goodfics. They aren't listed on the PPC Wiki, since we'd need a group acknowledgement, but they're Legendary by my standards. If you want, just ask. What's even more interesting is that the Authors mostly know each other, and have their stories set in the same AU world.
Haven't really taken a gander at Warcraft. I'm more Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, you know, RP Games. THey're fun. I do play one online video game called City of Heroes. Now THAT'S really fun.