Subject: NREP
Posted on: 2012-03-24 20:15:00 UTC
"Well, I'm PINK!" Pink beamed. "Grapes are awesome."
Subject: NREP
Posted on: 2012-03-24 20:15:00 UTC
"Well, I'm PINK!" Pink beamed. "Grapes are awesome."
コンチンウイム の プーロト プロテクタース RANGERS GO!
Calling all rangers!
The continuum needs your help!
The Evilatrix Sparklesa has sent out her minions the GENERICS to cause bad writing everywhere! The multiverse is surely doomed without your help!
Rangers, report to HQ!
Newbie Rank Ranger Team go!
Newbie Ranger Excitement Pink go!
Newbie Ranger Anxiety Blue go!
Newbie Ranger Stubborn Red go!
Newbie Ranger Shy Yellow go!
Newbie Ranger Nonchalant Green go!
General Rank Ranger Team Go!
General Ranger Orange Shipper go!
General Ranger Purple Alter go!
General Ranger White SIer go!
General Ranger Brown Crosser go!
General Ranger Black Genner go!
Special Rank Ranger Team go!
Special Ranger Grammar Gold go!
Special Ranger Characterization Cobalt go!
Special Ranger Spelling Silver go!
Special Ranger Pacing Platinum go!
Special Agent Dialogue Diamond go!
[For those of you who have no idea what's going on, here's the breakdown: It's a parody RP! Just like the Star Trek one, except this one is inspired by Power Rangers and the general super sentai genre. Pick a role that isn't taken and jump in. I will be playing the role of Evilatrix Sparklesa. Boarders and Agents are both allowed in, and in multiples; but please try to let people pick a ranger role, and don't populate a team by yourself! If they all fill up, feel free to come up with a Sixth Ranger type following one of the styles for the three ranks, or join in on the side of evil!
For those of you not aware of how super sentai show or Power Rangers episodes normally go, it usually goes:
a) characters have some sort of unrelated dilemna
b) characters encounter one of the head villain's plans in action or are alerted to one in action by whoever is their leader/mentor figure
c) characters begin fighting- physical attacks only, no weapons.
d) the monster/villain of the week shows up; the protagonists pull out their weapons, which usually involves long attack names
e) This doesn't work, monster/villain of the week either gets really huge or jumps into a giant mecha
f) Characters jump into their own mecha- these are usually animal themed and shaped
g) Characters are not successful in fighting monster/villain like this separately
h) Characters combine their mecha into a giant fighting robot with a joined bridge/cockpit
i) Awesome robot fight
j) Explosions
k) Heroes win]
I hope I'm not too late. But even if I was, I'm not giving up this spot.
So, are we RPing on this thread or on a chat?
Also purple's was outlined so do please follow that, at least, rather than shoving and forcing it to fit your special wants, yes?
Er, let's see here.
Is Newbie Ranger Hyperactive Grey OK?
I think she means you should choose a character from the template in the opening post, not make up you own.
OK, third time's the charm, right? I'd still like to be General Ranger Alter Purple... who is still a very hyperactive person.
For justice, for truth, for putting the correct letters in the correct order!
So, yeah.
I'm here.
Um, hi? I'm not sure what to do... maybe I'll just stand over here in this corner... no one else wanted this corner, right?
No, I'm not nervous. Why would you think that?
Greetings, fellow masked fighters for justice. Here, have some ridiculously over-detailed character sheets. I have around twenty or thirty of them around. Oh, wait.
scribbles some more information on the margins
My doctor told me I had something called "OCD", but that's just silly. Wait a minute.
frantically adds some more sketches of character arcs
Isn't cobalt actually blue-ish in color, as opposed to brown-ish?
I didn't catch that I mucked up the html for it until just now.
Hi... Hides in corner
...the edge of the multiverse, Evaltrix Sparklesa watched, waiting. Her shining magical mirror reflected the inner sanctum of the Plot Protector Rangers, showing her the inner movements, right under their foolish leader's... er, petals, without him even being aware in the slightest.
It also showed her perfect golden curling hair, her lovely tanned skin, practiced smile, and crystal blue eyes and her fantastic outfit, which shimmered in the light exuding from her mirror.
It also showed that her bra was sticking out a bit, so she adjusted her boobs a little, before proceeding to laugh. It was elegant, beautiful, and evil.
"They will never guess what I have planned for them and their meddlesome, protective love of canon! I shall take the entire multiverse over and they shall not be able to do a thing!"
If the mirror projected sound as well as the view, she would have drowned out the siren call of the Ranger HQ's most urgent alert.
Newbie Ranger Excitement Pink ran down the hallway, humming the PPR's theme song under her breath.
"I'm gonna be the VERY BEST- LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS-" she warbled, almost an octave off-key. Her pink curls bobbed up and down her as she ran towards the PPR Secret Sanctum.
She smoothed down her bright pink uniform, knocked on the door, and practically bounced with excitement, waiting to be allowed in.
Newbie Ranger Shy Yellow peeked through a peephole in the door. He quickly pulled the door open and hid behind it.
Special Ranger Characterization Cobalt strutted through the hallway, ignoring everything around her because she was completely focused on writing down lists and sketches and diagrams, muttering things along the lines of "It should be completely natural for him to take this offer" and "No no no, he would never break it, it's a heirloom" while erasing and scribbling. "Why didn't I think of it sooner, she reminds him of his... But why would he... Nah. ... Oh, that's a good one," she speaks with a grin as she proudly added a few arrows to her sheet to connect some words and phrases.
General Ranger Shipping Orange emerges from behind Cobalt. "Have you thought of the ships already?" She looks at the extensive notes. "Have you? Also, do you like Yellow?"
Newbie Ranger Anxiety Blue walked past them, nibbling on her thumbnail. She stopped to glance at Cobalt's notes. "Wh-what are all of these for?"
Newbie Ranger Excitement Pink grinned at Blue.
"I dunno!" she said. "But Cobalt is awesome, right? So THEY must be awesome, too!"
Characterization Cobalt turns around, just now realizing she has company. "Bwuh? Oh. These?" She holds up a piece of paper that barely has any more space left on it with a wide grin. "Just a character sheet I'm working on. Need to consider and map out every detail about this guy in order to know exactly how to write him authentically." She glances back at her notes. "Oh, of course. He can't go in there because of his chicken phobia. Silly me."
"Pink/Blue, huh? Or rather Pink/Cobalt? So many ships!" Orange giggles with excitement and continues eyeing the other rangers.
"Oh! I have a question!"
Pink waved her hand in the air, until the other Rangers looked at her.
"What's a ship??"
"A pairing of two characters," General Ranger Black Genner answered, coming out of a room connected to the hallway. "Shippers are infamous for pairing up characters that would never actually get together. Not to say that all shippers do this." She glanced at Orange.
"What's the point of doing that?" asked Blue, nervously twining a strand of her hair around her finger.
Orange smiles and starts zoning out. "It's about the possibilities. They're as endless as the ocean. Who fits, who doesn't? How will it play out?" She continues to stare straight forward.
"Oh! That sounds like fun!" Pink grinned. "Who are you shipping now?"
[ooc: is a MAD Shipper XD]
Orange snickers. "Don't you look cute together? I sure think so." She eyes the others.
Meanwhile, Cobalt frantically scribbled down even more notes on various sheets, now concerning her fellow Sentai members. She then stopped, stared at the pieces of paper and frowned.
"Oh no. No no no no no! This is very bad," she muttered, biting her lip and turning over the sheets in panic.
"What is it?" chirped Purple, popping up from behind Cobalt.
With a whimper, Cobalt held up some of the sheets - they were almost entirely filled with notes and arrows crammed together so tightly that perhaps only Cobalt was able to read it. "I ran out of space on these sheets! And worse, I ran out of sheets!"
"So get more sheets." Black said, shrugging. "I don't see the problem."
Cobalt stares at Black for a while, blinking silently. "That's a brilliant idea! Maybe I could borrow a few stacks from the copier room..."
Orange raises her eyebrows. "Did you have enough space for the ships?" She then glances at Black. "And you... who fits best to you?"
Black sighed. "Does it matter?"
Purple shrugged. "Well, she might end up pairing you with someone you absolutely hate. And then no other Ranger would let you forget it. Ever."
"I don't see why it matters who's dating who."
Newbie Ranger Nonchalant Green pokes his head out of his a door, yawning loudly. He rubs his eyes tiredly.
"I also don't see why this conversation has to take place outside my door," he adds sheepishly."What time is it anyway?"
Pink considered it for a microsecond.
"Well, I like Cobalt! She's a nice person!" she said. "I think we could be friends!"
She obviously did not understand the true meaning of 'pairing'.
Yellow stifled a laugh, then slid farther into the shadows. "Don't see me." he thought.
Blue stared at Pink disbelievingly for a moment and then resumed chewing on her nails.
"It really doesn't matter, Green," Black said.
"Well it matters to me!" Red interjected, walking through the door with her hands crossed over her chest. "There's no way I'm being paired with any of you! No exceptions!"
Pink squealed, and glomped Red.
"Hai! My name's Al- Pink! What's yours? Do you like grapes?"
"What the-" Red stammered. "Who are you? Get off of me!" She attempted to pry off the pink limbs that were wrapped around her body. "I'm Red, if you must know." she said, brushing off some nonexistent dirt. "And what do grapes have to do with anything?"
Orange chuckled at Red and Pink. "Calm down, there's enough ships for everyone." She takes in a thinking pose.
"Well, I'm PINK!" Pink beamed. "Grapes are awesome."
Purple looked at a series of flashing screens. "So, what exactly are we doing now? Should we be training or fighting someone? I don't even know what kind of weapon or robot I'm supposed to have."
"I will only accept a weapon if it's a gun." Red grumped
"Same." came the whisper from Yellow's hiding place. "Do I get a sword? I like swords."
"Neither do I!" Blue began to tremble. "What do I do? What do I do?"
"Panic!" Black shouted, waving her arms. She giggled. "No, just kidding. We should look for the weapons closet."
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" screamed Blue, ignoring Black's final words. Her face began to turn slightly purple as she kept screaming.
Hi!!!!! What did I miss???