Subject: Gee, that must mean Tohru Honda must be the evilest of evil (nm)
Posted on: 2008-08-27 13:40:00 UTC
A test of the PPC's policy towards non-mission writing. by
on 2008-08-24 14:11:00 UTC
Exactly as it says on the tin. Enjoy!
PS: This is not a forshadowing of some new PPC emergency. At least not yet.
Another PS: I did ask if I could tack new enemies on the PPC. -
Nah, nothing agianst you mate by
on 2008-08-25 13:05:00 UTC
Sometimes it just takes a little while for people to get round to posting. If you have a LJ link, most usually post on there as well.
But it looks pretty good. Now I've gotta think of ways to get my Agents involved. Or not... Hmm.
I volunteer Agent Arti to kidnap one and study them, just to se eif they have a special immunity for Squickfics that could be useful to the PPC. -
Yeah I know, I was just thinking aloud. by
on 2008-08-26 12:03:00 UTC
Also, your Agent could study them, but all she'll find out is that yes; the Cultists do have an immunity to Squickfics, but that is only because their literary pleasure/pain centers were switched around, turning what would cause normal people to vomit into something that would give them fits of perverted pleasure.
Thanks! -
So, could chocolate cause them pain? by
on 2008-08-26 16:51:00 UTC
Or maybe bunnies? Comfortable pillows?
The soft cushion torture method! (nm) by
on 2008-08-27 05:51:00 UTC
Gee, that must mean Tohru Honda must be the evilest of evil (nm) by
on 2008-08-27 13:40:00 UTC
Was there any ever doubt? (nm) by
on 2008-08-29 03:57:00 UTC
...Ever any doubt. This is what happens when I type quickly. (nm by
on 2008-08-29 03:57:00 UTC
Bring in the Comfy Chair! (nm) by
on 2008-08-27 13:23:00 UTC
Even worse. Ice cream and cute puppies torture method. (nm) by
on 2008-08-27 09:33:00 UTC
Literary pleasure and pain centers. by
on 2008-08-28 11:39:00 UTC
That means that if you read them OFUM or Don't Panic, they'll scream. A lot.
Hehehe by
on 2008-08-29 02:30:00 UTC
If you want to trick them into reading goodfic, assuming that the Legendary Goodfic are already known and feared by them, I can recommend a few for you. One's a Naruto/Gundam Wing crossover, another's a Naruto/Harry Potter and a third is a Harry Potter/Gundam Wing crossover. No one expects crossovers to be good, which is what would lull them into a false sense of security perhaps.
What about LOTR goodfic? (nm) by
on 2008-08-29 09:01:00 UTC
I tendto stay away from the LotR section by
on 2008-08-29 14:01:00 UTC
I've only read the Legendary Goodfic for it, since I have no desire to see page upon page of Tenth Walker/Modern girl in ME/princess of a non-canon land/non-canonical sister/offspring fics.
How quickly I am subsumed... by
on 2008-08-25 12:32:00 UTC
I must be doing something wrong with my posts. Now what could it be?