Subject: same here
Posted on: 2008-08-28 22:55:00 UTC
October's a good time - only a month after loan day. But doing anything down there's damned pricey, and so's getting there.
Subject: same here
Posted on: 2008-08-28 22:55:00 UTC
October's a good time - only a month after loan day. But doing anything down there's damned pricey, and so's getting there.
Um. The subject explains all, I think. I know there was a Gathering in the UK just a few months ago, but would anyone be interested in going to one in or near London sometime around the end of October?
I'd love to come. But the only problem is that I'm underage and all that stuff that come with being underage...well, it was worth a shot...
And just curious, but why is London often the gathering place? Can't we go to...Washington D.C?
the usual organiser of the Gatherings is hS, and as a Brit, he tends to arrange them in Britain. I think the only Gatherings he wasn't organising or at least present for were the Canadian ones- the one that Leto organised back in 2004 and the two-person one that happened this summer.
American Gatherings would be tricky, just for the logistics of getting everyone to the meeting place, and it'd have to be more than just a day-trip thing.
whispers in her ear Come to Hong Kong... Come to Hong Kong~! We shall have a Gathering like none other and hS will rue the day him made London the default meeting ground! Come to Hong Kong~!
I'll consider it, oksies?
(You know, Irvine is the safest city in the world and is looking pretty...pretty right now...hint hint wink wink)
... I would have to not come. I'll be on an extraordinarily tight budget by then, and also possibly not in the country, so.
I will probably be rather poor at that point, and I live down the other end of the country. (I know that's a poor excuse, seeing as hS managed to reach the last Gathering in plenty of time and he had just as much of a trek to get there.)
If we get more of an update closer to the time, I might just be able to go. It all depends on my available budget, but I really would like to go to another Gathering.
October's a good time - only a month after loan day. But doing anything down there's damned pricey, and so's getting there.
Getting to London is just far too expensive for me. Not to mention actually doing anything down there.