Subject: Re: Although
Posted on: 2008-09-17 14:40:00 UTC

I'll certainly give you an email for female Marines, and yes, it's because the enhancement program works with male hormones, but I probably won't be doing much Mary Sue assassination-this is 40k. Bending the laws of physics to accomodate the protagonist's latest feat is not only expected, it's canon. Gary Stu is canon, because pretty much everyone is Gary Stu to a greater or lesser degre. To destroy characters for that is to assault a time-honored tradition of the Black Library and 40k fanfic.

My hunts will likely focus on egregious fluff rape (such as female Space Marines, and at least one fic I once read where Necrons joined the Tau) and badslash (yes, there's some in 40k).

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