Subject: I've seen that!
Posted on: 2008-09-30 11:02:00 UTC
I followed a link from Cake Wrecks. It's incredibly funny, and it's allowed through the school filter! :D
Subject: I've seen that!
Posted on: 2008-09-30 11:02:00 UTC
I followed a link from Cake Wrecks. It's incredibly funny, and it's allowed through the school filter! :D
...might want to have a look at this blog.
The "Blog of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks
I followed a link from Cake Wrecks. It's incredibly funny, and it's allowed through the school filter! :D
It's educational. It shows you the hilarious side of misusing quotation marks. :]
but they've blocked LJ, as well as The Pit. So I never know what's blocked and what isn't. :P
Or at least my science teacher does. She was trying to get onto imeen to hear something I emailed her but the school computer blocked it. Bummer.
The something was "For Good" from Wicked, btw.
Much appreciated. First the link, and now this. I could almost forget about my day job.
Agents Mara and Isaiah salute
I wonder if we could get a picture of that sign from the Gathering up there...
Which sign was it? And...which gathering? Was it the one at the pub in York where the PPC read legolas by laura?
...Awesome. Seven kinds of sheer, unadulterated awesome (and this from the young lady who will loudly point out misplaced apostrophes and other errors on signs at the supermarket).